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Cell Structure General Bio Copyright 2009, John Ireland.

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1 Cell Structure General Bio Copyright 2009, John Ireland

2 Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote Eubacteri a Archaea Eukarya

3 Eubacteri a Archaea Eukarya Animalia Fungi Plantae Protista Monera (defunct) Kingdom vs. Domain

4 distance to center (r) surface area (4  r 2 ) volume (4/3  r 3 ) area/volume 1.03.0 12.6339.4 4.2113.1 3.0 1.0 113.1 1.0 r r r



7 Flagella Ribosomes Nucleus (form and function) Membrane System and Cycling Cytoskeleton Mitochondria and Plastid Organelles Endosymbiotic Theory Topics for Today

8 Flagella

9 Ribosomes GNU Free Documentation License Public Domain - PDB

10 Nucleus Cell Nuclei in HeLa Cells Public Domain Image-Wikipedia

11 Contains the DNA of the Cell Controls access to the DNA Regulates use of DNA Regulates division of DNA Role of Nucleus

12 Fine Structure of Nucleus Wikimedia Commons

13 Endomembrane System Wikimedia Commons

14 Cytoskeleton Adds structure to the interior of eukaryotes. Moves organelles and materials through the cell Composed of Multiple Protein types

15 Cytoskeleton Wikimedia Commons

16 Mitochondria Allow the use of oxygen in metabolism Found in almost all Eukaryotes Contain a circular piece of DNA Contain Ribosomes Divide by Binary Fission

17 Mitochondria

18 Chloroplasts Example of a Plastid Organelle Found in all Photosynthetic Eukaryotes Contain a circular piece of DNA Contain Ribosomes Divide by Binary Fission

19 Chloroplasts

20 Endosymbiotic Theory Explains the origin of the mitochondria and plastid organelles Degenerate endosymbiotic prokaryotes Allows for hypothesis formation and testing.

21 Endosymbiotic Theory Aerobic Eubacteria Photosynthetic Eubacteria Protoeukaryote Aerobic Eukaryote Photosynthetic Eukaryote

22 Evidence Supporting Theory Organelle ribosomes more closely resemble eubacterial ribosomes than eukaryotic ribosomes. DNA of Mitochondria is closely related to Rickettsia eubacteria. DNA of Chloroplasts is closely related to blue-green photosynthetic eubacteria.

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