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School building in an age of austerity Mike Coleman Partnerships for Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "School building in an age of austerity Mike Coleman Partnerships for Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 School building in an age of austerity Mike Coleman Partnerships for Schools

2 Introduction Refocusing of capital BSF pipeline and Academy savings Capital Review and early savings from a pilot Free Schools

3 The new approach Not about achieving educational transformation Fitness for purpose, not landmark, designs Meeting the demand for additional places Capital Review to define the details of this new approach

4 Savings – BSF Pipeline, Academies July 2010: Secretary of State issues challenge to the industry PfS consultation with 47 LAs to deliver BSF savings Site assessments for 75 academies

5 Capital Review New approach to capital investment recommended: Goal of capital is to create enough fit for purpose school places to meet the needs of every child Capital allocation should be data driven Standardised drawings and specifications Intelligent client acting for the public sector Responsible bodies accountable for maintenance

6 Capital Review: role of LA and central government LAs should manage local process to prioritise notional budgets, and capture decisions in a local investment plan Central Body should put in place a small number of new national procurement contracts Department should put in place national contract for maintenance and small projects

7 Capital Review Pilot Pilot in Doncaster to test emerging thinking 22 week procurement, compared with 48 wks through Framework, and 75 through BSF Savings of over £4 million to the tax payer through reduced capital costs

8 Free Schools and PfS role Policy goal: groups to set up schools to create additional capacity and through competitive forces drive up standards PfS facilitating the acquisition/ leasing of properties that can then be converted into schools. 41 approved projects; over 300 applications received by NSN

9 Light refurbishment of existing schools Adapting buildings/ extensive refurbishment Brand new builds will be exception to the rule Free Schools and the construction industry

10 Any questions?

11 Thank you Michael Coleman Partnerships for Schools

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