Unit #19 Tip of the week— Most nouns are pluralized by adding -s to the end. Add –es to pluralize words ending in s, x, z, ch or sh.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit #19 Tip of the week— Most nouns are pluralized by adding -s to the end. Add –es to pluralize words ending in s, x, z, ch or sh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit #19 Tip of the week— Most nouns are pluralized by adding -s to the end. Add –es to pluralize words ending in s, x, z, ch or sh.

2 Tip words— 1) restaurants There’s an ant in the restaurant. 2) calendars Lend a ruler to create the calendar.

3 Academic Verbs— 3) indicate to show or be a sign of Her verbal comebacks indicate a witty mind. 4) benefit to make better Grammar knowledge will benefit your writing.

4 Commonly misspelled words— 5) disappoint See sap and point in disappoint. 6) especially e + special + ly

5 Roots/prefixes/suffixes— nov = new mater/matri = mother punct = point, dot ject = to throw

6 7) novel a new book; unique 8) matriarchal mother-centered 9) punctuation the dots that help us read and understand 10) interject “to throw” words between (interrupt)

7 Commonly confused words— 11) accept (v., to receive) Will you accept an honest critique? 12) except (prep., used for exclusion) “I before e except after c…”

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