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The Heretical Library Manager of the Future SILF August 2006 C A V A L Steve O’Connor Chief Executive Officer CAVAL Collaborative Solutions.

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2 The Heretical Library Manager of the Future SILF August 2006 C A V A L Steve O’Connor Chief Executive Officer CAVAL Collaborative Solutions

3 我很高兴来到上海 I am very happy to be in Shanghai

4 Recent appointment “[The Appointee] brings to the position of State Librarian and Chief Executive outstanding experience and skills in the areas of leadership and management in large international organisations. [The Appointee] joins us from IBM, where she most recently led some of the organisation's key corporate sectors. Prior to this, she held senior executive roles at Kodak and Telstra, including postings in both the US and Asia.”

5 Scope of this Address Explore intelligences Understand intelligences in affecting new business models Characteristics of the new Manager across the chasm

6 Key references Howard Gardner ’ s Theory of multiple intelligences Alistair Mant Intelligent Leadership

7 Seven Intelligences Linguistic Logical/Mathematical Spatial Musical Bodily/ Kinaesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal

8 Imagination and Knowledge Albert Einstein “ I am enough of an artist to draw freely on my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. ”

9 “ Judgement is what you do when you don ’ t ( and can ’ t) know what to do ” Alistair Mant

10 Business models Need to understand business models Apply them to libraries Traditional publishing business model What are alternative business models for libraries ?

11 User as Author Publisher Librarian as funder User as Reader Traditional Publishing cycle

12 User as Author Publisher Librarian as funder User as Reader Traditional Publishing cycle IPR

13 User as Author Publisher Librarian as funder User as Reader Traditional Publishing cycle IPR $$ $

14 User as Author Publisher Librarian as funder User as Reader New Publishing Business Model 1

15 User as Author Publisher Librarian as funder User as Reader New Publishing Business Model 1A

16 User as Author Publisher User as Reader New Publishing Business Model 2 Go direct; pay per view

17 SCONUL TOP ISSUES 1.Planning and strategy including implementation 2.Space issues 3.Implementing self-issue and return service 4.Digital deposit and repository development

18 Changing nature of workforce Boston Consulting Group –Move to higher communication skills –More collegiate management skills –Deep industry and subject expertise

19 Impact of different generations Baby Boomers are typically born between 1946 and 1964 Generation X are the children of the Baby Boomers sharing attributes of their parents expected to be born 1961 - 1981 Generation Y( 1977 – 1999) have grown up in economic stability and growth following and sometimes overlapping with the Generation X ’ s

20 Future of Human resources Canadian 8R ’ s –Recruitment –Retirement –Retention –Rejuvenation –Repatriation –Re-accreditation –Remuneration –Restructuring

21 “ W hen I say that innovation I is being democratized, I mean that users of products and services -both firms and individuals - are increasingly able to innovate for themselves … U sers that innovate can develop exactly what they want, rather than relying on manufacturers to act as their often imperfect agents ” Eric von Hippell Democratizing innovation

22 Techniques to the future Scenario planning Use many intelligences Imagination as well as knowledge New understanding of the new business models for libraries and publishing International networking

23 Future, future, future!!!!! Future is not continuous Future is not linear We do not have only one future We have choices

24 Crossing to the other side …. “..transition involves sloughing off familiar entrepreneurial marketing habits and taking up new ones that at first feel strongly counter intuitive ” Geoffrey Moore Crossing the Chasm

25 Exciting library future Re-examine own values and outlooks; our commitment and understanding of the past Think the unthinkable Think the heretical thoughts and you will find success Thank you

26 多谢大家认真地听我发言 Thank you for your attention

27 28 years now !

28 Go to…… 28 Years now

29 28 years now !

30 Go to…… 28 Years now

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