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ALAN ALDRICH Universities and Libraries Move to the Mobile Web.

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Presentation on theme: "ALAN ALDRICH Universities and Libraries Move to the Mobile Web."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALAN ALDRICH Universities and Libraries Move to the Mobile Web

2 Mobile Technology The convergence of web-enabled smart phones, the applications designed for Smartphone interfaces, and cloud computing is rapidly changing how people interact with each other and their environments. The mobile web provides much of the functionality for Smartphone's and other computing devices. Because Smartphone’s are able to access web-based content, users are able to treat the mobile web as the full web viewed through a Smartphone. The mobile web refers to any web-based content or function configured for access through a mobile device.

3 Using the Mobile Web The mobile web refers to people being able to access information while actively moving or engaged in multiple tasks. Mobile websites and apps must display information that can be understood given a short attention span and issues related to information overload. Users regardless of age, access the mobile web for short sessions where they need specific information or to accomplish specific tasks.

4 Mobile Websites and Higher Education Research-intensive universities such as MIT and Stanford were the first universities to launch mobile websites in June and October of 2008. The academic community has only recently adopted mobile technology. University libraries began using the mobile web because libraries have often been at the forefront of technology adoption. Currently there are mobile websites located at 39 universities, either for the university or university’s library.

5 Key Features The mobile-web is ubiquitous and digital in orientation. When a task is digital, functions may be distributed across people, places, and/or time. Features that make the mobile web useful are instant access, Smartphone portability, and increasingly sophisticated apps. These features also require close attention to issues of mobile web design. The ecology of the mobile web is constantly changing; universities and their libraries will continue to engage in the technical aspects of developing and launching mobile websites.

6 Bibliography Aldrich, A. (2010). Universities and Libraries Move to the Mobile Web. Educause Review Online, 1-15.

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