Compromise of 1850 Tanner Zinni Austin Wray. Compromise Background Attempt to reconcile Free and Slave States Made California a Free State Established.

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Presentation on theme: "Compromise of 1850 Tanner Zinni Austin Wray. Compromise Background Attempt to reconcile Free and Slave States Made California a Free State Established."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compromise of 1850 Tanner Zinni Austin Wray

2 Compromise Background Attempt to reconcile Free and Slave States Made California a Free State Established the Texas border Abolished the slave trade in D.C Set in place a new more effective fugitive slave law.

3 Compromise Background Many People at the time thought it was the solution to slavery Package of 5 separate bills Allowed Utah and New Mexico territories the right to decide to be free or slave. Compromise drafted to help keep the nation together.

4 Henry Clay Proposed Compromise Served in Senate and House of Rep’s Died two years after the Compromise of 1850 Some think that if he would’ve stayed alive longer the Civil War wouldn’t have happened

5 Southern Response to abolition of D.C Slave Trade. The abolition of the slave trade in D.C was a a major blow to the Southern slave market. The south did not want the slave trade to end in D.C, as it was the largest slave market in North America. After the Compromise if anyone was caught trading slaves in D.C, the slaves would be given their freedom.

6 Southern Response to admission of Cali as Free state. The south proposed that California should be split up into two states, one free and one slave. The Compromise instead admitted California as a free state and this was another loss for the South.

7 Southern Response to New Fugitive Slave Law The Compromise created a new fugitive slave law that helped the southern slave owners recover their escaped slaves. The South really wanted this new Fugitive Slave Law and they received it. This was a major win for the south and helped to prevent an earlier civil war.

8 Southern/Northern Response to decision for popular sovereignty for new territory The New Mexico and Utah territory was to decide on slave or free state when applying for statehood. Neither South nor North was completely disappointed or excited about this

9 Northern Response to the Abolition of Slave Trade in DC Liked the idea that slaves couldn’t be traded in the Capital. Did not like that slavery still existed there. Some Northerners encouraged slave owners to continue to trade so they could give that slave freedom

10 Northern Response to Cali Admission as a Free State This was a win for the North The south wanted slaves there because of the gold rush a year prior Opposed the idea of splitting the state into two

11 Northern Response to Fugitive Slave law North thought that once a slave escaped they should be free This is considered the only major loss for the North in the Compromise.

12 How it led to Civil War Fugitive slave act made northerners make more underground railroad stops upsetting southerners Compromise postponed war for a few years but in the end it was inevitable


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