AQIP ACTION PROJECTS AQIP Action Project Community Forum Mott Community College.

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Presentation on theme: "AQIP ACTION PROJECTS AQIP Action Project Community Forum Mott Community College."— Presentation transcript:

1 AQIP ACTION PROJECTS AQIP Action Project Community Forum Mott Community College

2 CONVERSATION DAY & BEYOND Conversation One: What matters most? Conversation Two: What are MCC’s strengths? Conversation Three: What is most important for MCC to do right now? The AQIP process began with an extensive self-assessment. On November 4, 2005, MCC was closed for an all-day employee meeting about the future of the College. Action Project Survey #1: Employees quantitatively rank the top 10 Action Project Proposals via an online survey. Employee Forum #1: Employees qualitatively discuss the top 10 Action Project Proposals.




6 MCC: COMMUNITY CONVERSATION As part of the College’s overall strategic planning process, MCC will conduct 7 community forums and a number of focus groups to gather stakeholder input on the proposed action projects. Alumni/Retirees on MCC Campus Flint Township Police Department Richfield Township Hall Thetford Township Hall International Institute of Flint Fenton Community Center Lakeville Middle School

7 AQIP IMPROVEMENT CYCLES ACTION: Every Year Action projects submitted to NCA and replaced as completed. STRATEGY: Every 4 Years MCC Maintains a Systems Portfolio; participates in a Strategy Forum and has a Systems Appraisal performed by peer reviewers ACCREDITIATION: Every 7 Years Reaffirmation of accreditation as MCC demonstrates continuous improvement and fulfillment of NCA criteria

8 AQIP IMPROVEMENT CYCLES ACTION: Every Year Action projects submitted to NCA and replaced as completed. STRATEGY: Every 4 Years MCC Maintains a Systems Portfolio; participates in a Strategy Forum and has a Systems Appraisal performed by peer reviewers ACCREDITIATION: Every 7 Years Reaffirmation of accreditation as MCC demonstrates continuous improvement and fulfillment of NCA criteria We are seeking your help to determine MCC’s first 3 AQIP Action Projects.


10 A: INTEGRATED INTAKE PROCESS FOR NEW STUDENTS We Propose – That MCC design an integrated admission, placement testing, and orientation system to maximize successful learning outcomes, increase readiness for college level coursework, and support a more effective and stress-free intake process.

11 B: COLLEGE-WIDE COMMUNICATION We Propose – That MCC establish better internal communication systems and methods to support collaborative efforts and decision making, and promote awareness of policies, procedures and processes among all college employees.

12 C: EMPLOYEE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING We Propose – That MCC commit the resources needed to provide on-going cross- functional education and training to develop college employees’ professional skills.

13 D: CURRENT STUDENT SUCCESS AND SUPPORT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES We Propose – That MCC create a Student Success Team, a cross-functional group of employees from both Student Services/ Administration and Academic Affairs, to create and support a student- centered learning environment.

14 E: ADVISING FOR DEGREE COMPLETION AND TRANSFER STUDENTS We Propose – That MCC develop a state- of-the-art system for accurate advising, course selection and accomplishment of student requirements to complete MCC degree programs and/or successfully transfer to other colleges.

15 F: INCREASE STUDENT RETENTION We Propose – That MCC establish a campus-wide student retention program to identify methods and target levels of student retention (i.e. course, semester, year to year, program completion, and graduation).

16 G: INCREASE AND ENHANCE COLLABORATIVE RELATIONSHIPS WITH K-12 AND THE COMMUNITY We Propose – That MCC integrate its efforts to foster existing and new collaborative relationships with stakeholders to expand MCC’s impact and value to its service district.

17 H: COOPERATIVE EDUCATION AND EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING We Propose – That cooperative education and other experiential learning opportunities be expanded in all areas of the college curriculum.

18 I: NUTRITION AND FOOD SERVICE We Propose – That MCC commit the resources necessary to re-establish food service, such as a campus food court, with nutritional food choices.

19 J: HIRE MORE FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES We Propose – That MCC commit the resources necessary to hire more full- time faculty and other staff and diminish its reliance on part-time and temporary employees.

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