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Creating Graphs: Classic Mistakes

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Graphs: Classic Mistakes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Graphs: Classic Mistakes
The following slides each contain a graph. These graphs have a variety of errors: How many can you spot? Remember that the principles of constructing graphs are the same whether you are using them in a presentation or in a written report…however, in scientific reports colours are NOT generally used, whereas in a presentation it may be useful to use colours – but this needs careful planning!

2 Creating Graphs: Classic Mistakes
To start you off, the graph on the following slide has numerous errors – see how many you can identify……. Now check your ideas with the answers provided on slide 4… Now work through the remaining slides to see how many more errors in the graphs presented you can find….. And remember that colours on graphs should only be used in oral presentations…..

3 Example: How many errors?

4 What Were the Errors? Graph is too small (and poorly positioned)
Title is uninformative y-axis label is positioned incorrectly No error bars given Inappropriate scale on y-axis Non-standard format of text (figure legend) Poor use of colours (red & green!) Now try and spot the errors on the following graphs……….

5 Old Dogs Learn New Trick!

6 Time to Learn New Trick

7 Experimental Results

8 Growth Rates of Plants at Different Temperatures

9 Growth Rates of Plants at Different Humidity Levels

10 Growth Rates of Mice Fed on Three Different Diets

11 Growth Rates of Mice Housed in Three Different Environments

12 Growth Rates of Mice Fed on Two Different Diets

13 Loss of Hedgerows in UK 1990-1993

14 Further Information For more information on creating graphs see:-

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