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By MeeMee Van Driest and Julia Lopez. Our first recommendation is carpool and use buses more instead of always using separate cars. This will save: Gasoline.

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Presentation on theme: "By MeeMee Van Driest and Julia Lopez. Our first recommendation is carpool and use buses more instead of always using separate cars. This will save: Gasoline."— Presentation transcript:

1 By MeeMee Van Driest and Julia Lopez

2 Our first recommendation is carpool and use buses more instead of always using separate cars. This will save: Gasoline Money Energy It helps reduce traffic A challenge to do this would be people getting late to their jobs and classes, or anyplace they’re going to pick up other people. Also, people might have trouble contacting each other to find how they are going to get together.

3 Our second recommendation is for everyone to turn off the lights when they aren’t using them. This will save: Energy Money A challenge is to remember to turn off unused lights. Also, this could be hard because people may have to leave their lights on for other conveniences.

4 Our last recommendation was to wash clothes in cold or slightly warm water not hot water. Hot water uses more energy, and makes your water and electricity bill cost more. This will save: Energy Money A challenge for this idea would be hot water cleans it thoroughly and is faster. Also, people normally use hot water because it cleans it better.

5 You should do all of these recommendations because they help the environment. Did you know that 30% of the greenhouse gases come from transportation, the less gasoline we have in our atmosphere the better. By using carpools everywhere you go. That means using less cars which ends up means less gasoline. Also, did you know that everyday you don’t drive a car you save 1.3 gallons of gas. If you do this for a week you can save 1.9 gallons of gas and you can save a ton of money.

6 You should turn off classroom lights because it saves electricity and saves money everyday. When you leave lights on the bills will keep going up and up. Turning off the lights will save money and electricity. It might to hard to remember but always try to take a note or tell someone to always remind you. This overall will change your electrical bill dramatically but not as much as changing your light blubs to energy efficient light blubs. You can buy energy efficient light blubs mostly at any grocery or random store.

7 Using hot water to wash clothes cost a lot of money and wastes useful energy. Using cold uses less energy therefore costing less money. You can save a lot of money by changing up your house hold by using cold water Using these three guidelines you’ll be saying energy and paying less money every day. If you use these 3 things we just told you will be saving money and tons of energy. You can have a energy efficient home for now on.


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