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Campaigning for Student Council. Step 1: Connect to the Student Body  Come up with a catchy, creative slogan that will help your peers remember you 

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Presentation on theme: "Campaigning for Student Council. Step 1: Connect to the Student Body  Come up with a catchy, creative slogan that will help your peers remember you "— Presentation transcript:

1 Campaigning for Student Council

2 Step 1: Connect to the Student Body  Come up with a catchy, creative slogan that will help your peers remember you  For ideas, visit  Make your slogan visible in the school through posters, stickers, etc. (do this ASAP!)

3 Step 2: Prepare a Speech  Your speech should have 3 parts: A-B-C!  A = ACQUAINT yourself to the audience B = Share your BELIEFS C = CONVINCE your audience to vote for you

4 Step 2: Prepare a Speech: Acquaint  Acquaint your audience with you through a strong introduction.  In your introduction, tell the audience: - your name and grade; - the office you’d like to hold; - how long you’ve been at Council; - your past Student Council experience; and - 3 reasons they should vote for you.  Incorporate your slogan into your introduction.  Use humor, if possible.

5 Step 2: Prepare a Speech: Beliefs  In this part, you’ll explain why you are running for office.  Elaborate on the 3 reasons you stated in your introduction.  Give specific examples for each reason or specific solutions to problems you identified.  Sell yourself to the audience!

6 Step 2: Prepare a Speech: Convince  Conclude your speech by convincing your audience to vote for you.  Restate each of the reasons they should choose you, and thank them for their vote.  Restate your slogan and wrap up your speech with something the audience will remember you by.

7 Step 3: Presenting Your Speech  Be prepared.  Use note cards; don’t read your speech word-for- word.  Practice, practice, practice; recite your speech to your family, your friends, into a mirror at home, etc.  Look at your audience, not at your notes, your feet, etc.  Smile and have fun (or at least pretend like you are)! Make your audience believe that you are REALLY excited about getting their vote.

8 GOOD LUCK! Remember:  It is NORMAL to be nervous and feel like you are going to throw up!  Winning isn’t everything…at least you had the courage (and the good grades) to give it a try!  Be a good sport, whether you win or lose!

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