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Political Party Structure Bonus Power Point. National Party Structure Today Party Structure on paper State and local party organizations have autonomy.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Party Structure Bonus Power Point. National Party Structure Today Party Structure on paper State and local party organizations have autonomy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Party Structure Bonus Power Point

2 National Party Structure Today Party Structure on paper State and local party organizations have autonomy from national party They control the process of delegate selection to national convention Because not all states have their primaries on the same day it is possible for the nomination to be decided before states get to vote. In order to become more “important” states have moved up their primary elections on the calendar. (“Frontloading”)

3 National Party Structure Today National Convention Meets every four years to nominate the presidential candidate and adopt the party platform National Committee Composed of delegates from states; manages affairs between conventions Congressional Campaign Committees Seek to support the party’s congressional candidates through fund distribution and other aid.

4 Differences In Party Structure Republican 1960s-70s: More bureaucratic structure. 1980s: First to used computerized mailing lists to raise money Created a national firm of political consultants. Democrats 1960s-70s: More factionalized structure and redistribution of power Lost 5 out of 6 Presidential Elections. 1990s: Adopted RNC strategy Both Parties send money raised to State Parties to sidestep federal spending limits (Soft Money)

5 The National Convention The National Committee sets time and place; issues a “call” setting the number of each delegates for each states and rules for their selections Democrats Formula for Delegates: Shifted to Northern and Western States As a result, delegates are more liberal than most Democrats Formula for Delegates also rewards larger states. 1970s: Rules changed to weaken local party leaders and include more diversity. 1981: Creation of “Superdelegates.” Elected officials (all levels) who are democrats get one vote. Republicans Formula for Delegates: Shifted to South and Southwester states As a result, delegates are more conservative than most Republicans Formula for Delegates also rewards loyal states (Presidential Votes) 2012: States now allowed (if they choose) to engage in Proportional Representation. (2008 vs. 2012)

6 The National Convention The National Committee sets time and place; issues a “call” setting the number of each delegates for each states and rules for their selections Democrats 1992: Three New Rules Winner-Reward System Banned: Winner of each state did not receive extra delegates States that violate rules were penalized with loss of delegates (2008: Michigan and Florida) Proportional Representation: Delegates by state were not all given to the winner but split based on proportion of vote (2008: Resulted in a Primary that wasn’t decided until near the end)

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