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 Speaking Skills  Look at the following pictures.  What comes to mind?

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2  Speaking Skills  Look at the following pictures.  What comes to mind?

3 Interrogation Annoyance Imagination Survival Talent Helpfulness Rewarding Surprise Loyalty Improvisation

4  Interrogation  Annoyance  Imagination  Survival  Talent  Rewarding  Helpfulness  Surprise  Loyalty  Improvisation

5 What other terms can be used to describe how you feel about studying a foreign language? …

6 When we talk about learning a foreign language, we talk about its country. When we talk about a country, we talk about its culture. When we talk about its culture, we talk about its…

7 ◦ National origin & history ◦ Geography & climate ◦ Race & religion ◦ Architecture ◦ Art & literature ◦ Clothing / Dress ◦ Music & Food ◦ Customs & Habits (Leisure) Cultural Aspect

8 ComponentRange of skills involved Skills assessed A portfolio of a candidate’s written work Writing with readingWriting A reading and writing controlled examination Writing with readingWriting and reading An oral interview (including a discussion of the portfolio) Writing with reading with speaking and listening Speaking and listening

9 ISE 1TaskTask weighing Component weighing Portfolio Correspondence (70-80 words) Factual writing (110-130 words) Creative/ descriptive writing (110-130 words) 20 % 40 % 20 % Controlled Written examination (Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes) Task 1 Task 2 50 % 30 % Interview (Time: 8 minutes) Topic Discussion of portfolio and conversation 50 %

10  Correspondence (70-80 words) Your friend is planning a long journey around your country. Write a letter to your friend saying which form of transport you think is best and how long the journey will take. Tell your friend what he/she must take on the journey.

11  Correspondence (70-80 words) - Register: formal or informal? An email to an English friend is informal - Grammar? Future intention: be going to Future probability / promise / prediction: will Future probability: might Strong advice: must / should Suggestions: How about. + gerund…? What about + gerund…? Why don’t you + base form…? Let’s + base form …? Shall we + base form…?

12  Correspondence (70-80 words): email Hi John! Glad to hear you are planning a long journey around my country! The best means of transport to travel around is the train. It is not only faster than other public transport but cheaper,too. The journey with the express train from one major city to the next will take only one hour. Anyway, don’t forget you must bring with you your identity card and debit card. I’m sure your trip will be great fun. Write back soon. Yours, (80 words)

13 Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes Task One: Reading Comprehension – Reading into writing (about 150 words) Task Two: Writing Task (about 150 words): email

14 Subject Areas for the Portfolio and Controlled Written Examination: - Festivals - Means of Transport - Special occasions, e.g. birthday celebrations - Entertainment, e.g. cinema, television, clubs - Music - Recent personal events

15 Time: 8 minutes Two assessed phases: - Discussion of topic (4 minutes) - Conversation about one subject area and discussion about portfolio (4 minutes)

16 Subject Areas for the Conversation: - Travel - Money - Fashion - Rules and Regulations - Health and Fitness - Learning a foreign language

17 ComponentRange of skills involved Skills assessed A portfolio of a candidate’s written work Writing with readingWriting A reading and writing controlled examination Writing with readingWriting and reading An oral interview (including a discussion of the portfolio) Writing with reading with speaking and listening Speaking and listening

18 ISE 11TaskTask weighing Component weighing Portfolio Correspondence (120-150 words) Factual writing (170-200 words) Creative/ descriptive writing (170-200 words) 20 % 40 % 20 % Controlled Written examination (Time: 120 minutes) Task 1 Task 2 50 % 30 % Interview (Time: 12minutes) Topic Interactive Discussion of portfolio and conversation 33.33 % 50 %

19  Correspondence: letter/e-mail (120- 150 words) You have received an email from a friend who has moved to a new city and is very homesick. Reply to your friend and give her some advice on how she can make new friends and settle into her new surroundings.

20  Correspondence (120-150 words) - Register: formal or informal? An email to an English friend is informal - Grammar? Suggestions: How about. + gerund…? What about + gerund…? Why don’t you + base form…? Advice: should / ought to / had better If I were you, I would…. (Second Conditional)

21  Correspondence (120-150 words): email Dear Sarah, Sorry to hear you are homesick. Lighten up. If I were you I would be happy. I would love to live in the centre of London. I know this city has its disadvantages with all the traffic and noise, but look on the bright side you have something different to do every night as it has an exciting nightlife. You’d better not wait for a friend to come and visit to feel better. You ought to just go out more. Why don’t you try joining a drama club so that you can meet new people. I know that you enjoy going to the theatre. If this doesn’t suit you, how about inviting some of your neighbours for a friendly dinner. I particularly like your cheesecake and I think it will be a blast. Let me know how it turns out. Write back soon. Yours, (146 words)

22 Time: 120 minutes Task One: Reading Comprehension – Reading into writing (about 250 words) “Working on happiness” Task Two: Writing Task (about 250 words): description for a magazione (article) “National Customs”

23  Watch the video and list the major points given by the speaker about being happy on the job: Happiness v Job Satisfaction.mp4 Happiness at work Job satisfaction Engagement ≠

24  Write a description (appr. 250 words) for a general interest magazine of your favourite national customs. Describe the origin and history of these customs and say if you think they will continue in the future.

25 Subject Areas for the Portfolio and Controlled Written Examination: Education National Customs Village and City Life National and local produce and products Early memories Pollution and Recycling

26 Time: 12 minutes Three assessed phases: - Discussion of topic (4 minutes) - Interactive Task (4 minutes) - Conversation about one subject area and discussion about portfolio (4 minutes)

27 Subject Areas for the Conversation: Society and living standards Personal Values and Ideals The World of Work National environmental concerns Unexplained phenomena and events Public figures past and present


29 Comments & Suggestions

30  Photos taken from OUP CAE & Wikipedia

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