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How to write the addresses and how to start the body of the letter By E. Sileoni.

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Presentation on theme: "How to write the addresses and how to start the body of the letter By E. Sileoni."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to write the addresses and how to start the body of the letter By E. Sileoni

2 The envelope Your address Zip and city Street and St. number Last name & First name Country $1

3 The body of the letter -Tell the date in Italian on the right, along with the city -Open the letter in Italian using either the formal or the informal forms [informal] Annapolis - 3 marzo, 2014 Ciao …, io mi chiamo…. Come stai? Io sto bene/male/così così. Io ho dodici anni. Io sono di Annapolis e io sono americano/americana. Io sono bravo/brava e intelligente! Sono le 11:16 del mattino.

4 Writing the addressee’s address 98 cents Rossi Mario Via Roma, 14 62010 Pesaro ITALY AIR MAIL $1

5 Writing the sender’s address Signora Sileoni 701 Chase Street Annapolis, MD 21401 U.S.A.

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