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Uno- OneSei- Six Due- TwoSette- Seven Tre- ThreeOtto- Eight Quattro- FourNove- Nine Cinque- FiveDieci- Ten Italian Numbers.

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Presentation on theme: "Uno- OneSei- Six Due- TwoSette- Seven Tre- ThreeOtto- Eight Quattro- FourNove- Nine Cinque- FiveDieci- Ten Italian Numbers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Uno- OneSei- Six Due- TwoSette- Seven Tre- ThreeOtto- Eight Quattro- FourNove- Nine Cinque- FiveDieci- Ten Italian Numbers

2 ITALY/ ITALIAN Buongiorno- Hello Buona Sera- Good Evening Buona Notte- Good Night Ciao- Hello or Hi Arrivederci- Good Bye A Presto- See you soon! Come stai? How are you? Bene! E tu? Good! And you? Male! E tu? Bad! And you? Cosi, cosi! E tu? OK! And you? Quanti anni hai? I am …… years old. Io ho ……. Anni I am …… years old. UnoTredici DueQuatordici TreQuindici QuattroSeidici Cinque SeiDiciasette SetteDiciotto OttoDicianove NoveVenti Dieci Undici Dodici

3 Numbers 11- 20 Undici- ElevenSeidici- Sixteen Dodici- TwelveDiciasette- Seventeen Tredici- ThirteenDiciotto- Eighteen Quattordici- FourteenDicianove- Nineteen Quindici- FifteenVenti- Twenty L.O I know the numbers from 11 – 20 In Italian

4 Italian Numbers Draw these pictures and label with Italian Numbers Palle Cane fiori Scarpe cuore Alberi bambine

5 Greetings Buongiorno- Hello Buona Sera- Good Evening Buona Notte- Good Night Ciao- Hello or Hi Arrivederci- Good Bye A Presto- See you soon!

6 How are you? Come stai? Bene! E tu? Male! E tu? Cosi, cosi! E tu? Good! And you? Bad! And you? OK! And you?

7 L.O I can match the Italian to the English Cut out the words and the pictures and stick in your books so the words (English and Italian) match the pictures. Buon Divertimento! Have Fun!

8 Greetings Buongiorno- hello Buona Sera- Good Evening Buona Notte- Good Night Ciao- Hello or Hi Arrivederci- Good Bye A Presto- See you soon! Come stai? Bene! E tu? Male! E tu? Cosi, cosi! E tu? Good! And you? Bad! And you? OK! And you? How are you?

9 My name Come ti chiami? Io mi chiamo………. Two children exit the class and they have to find the child who has been called PINOCCHIO

10 Come ti chiami?

11 Mi chiamo…… Questo e mio……. Fratello (brother) Figlio (son) Padre (Dad) Marito (Husband) Sorella (sister) Figlia (daughter) L.O I can name the members of a family Madre (Mum) Moglie (Wife)

12 How old are you? Quanti anni hai? I am …… years old. Io ho ……. anni

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