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THE PHONICS DANCE Hunks and Chunks.

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1 THE PHONICS DANCE Hunks and Chunks

2 s – h, sh, sh, sh. s – h, sh, sh, sh. (ship, wish)

3 c – h, ch, ch, ch. c – h, ch, ch, ch. (chip, watch)
cherry ch

4 t – h, th, th, th. t – h, th, th, th. Chant the soft “th” first (tongue out). Repeat saying hard “th” (tongue behind the teeth) (thorn, thistle) three th

5 Say “o – w, ow. Going down, going down, d-o-w-n
Say “o – w, ow. Going down, going down, d-o-w-n. That’s the way to get down.” (cow, meow) cow ow

6 Say “o – u, ou. O-u-t, o-u-t get out of here you bumble bee
Say “o – u, ou. O-u-t, o-u-t get out of here you bumble bee.” (mouse, south) mouse ou

7 Say “o – o, oooooo.” (book)

8 Say “o – o, ooooooo” (boot)

9 Say “i-n-g, ing, ing, ing. i-n-g, ing, ing, ing.” (sing, king)

10 Say “a-l-l, a-l-l, all, all, all.” (call, tall)
ball all

11 Say “car, car, c-a-r, you stick your hand in a jar of stars
Say “car, car, c-a-r, you stick your hand in a jar of stars. A-r, ar, ar, ar.” (jar, start) car ar

12 Say “ o-r, or, or, or. O-r, or, or, or. I want more fish please
Say “ o-r, or, or, or. O-r, or, or, or. I want more fish please.” (for, more) core or

13 Say “o “ said to “a”, Oh I love you and “a” said absolutely nothing
Say “o “ said to “a”, Oh I love you and “a” said absolutely nothing. So when you see oa you say “o” (Long o sound like in boat and coat) coat oa

14 Say “i-g-h, i-g-h, I, I, I.” knight igh

15 Say “ you take a scaredy cat “e”. You take a scaredy cat “a”
Say “ you take a scaredy cat “e”. You take a scaredy cat “a”. You put them together and what do they say? EEEEEEEEE !!! Teacher ea

16 When you see the double e you say ee, ee. It’s a bumble bee party
When you see the double e you say ee, ee. It’s a bumble bee party! When you see the double e you say ee,ee. It’s a bumble bee party! (see, three) tree ee

17 “Some letters a-y, ay, ay, ay. Hey do you want to play
“Some letters a-y, ay, ay, ay. Hey do you want to play? Swish, score, hooray! Yay! But don’t forget this……….. Some letters a-y, ay, ay, ay. That’s at the end of a word and don’t you forget it! (play, day) play ay

18 “A” said to “i,” hey “i” get out of my way. I’m saying “ay” today
“A” said to “i,” hey “i” get out of my way. I’m saying “ay” today! So when you see a-i you say “ay”. (rain) rain ai

19 E-i-g-h, “ay, ay.” E-i-g-h, “ay, ay.” (eight, sleigh)

20 ir ur er bird surf mother
“Let’s take a ride on a motorcycle. I-r, ir and u-r, ur in the middle of a word. But it’s e-r, er, e-r, er at the end of a word.” bird surf mother ir ur er

21 “0-i, oi, oi, oi in the middle of a word
“0-i, oi, oi, oi in the middle of a word. But it’s o-y, oy, oy, oy at the end of a word.” point boy oi oy

22 “T-i-o-n, tion, tion, T-i-o-n, tion, tion
“T-i-o-n, tion, tion, T-i-o-n, tion, tion. Take it low s-i-o-n, sion, sion, s-i-o-n, sion, sion.” (question, television) question television tion sion

23 “When you see p-h, you don’t say p-h, you say f…. F, F, F
“When you see p-h, you don’t say p-h, you say f….F, F, F. When you see p-h, you don’t say p-h, you say f…F, F, F.” (phone) phone ph

24 “When you see k-n, you don’t say the k, you say n, N, N, N.” (knock)
knot kn

25 “Shh, don’t wake the w. Shh, don’t wake the w. Wr says RRRRRR.”
wreath wr

26 “When you see e-d at the end of a root word say t, “t”, d, “d”, also say “ed”.
Jumped, whispered, waited ed

27 W-h, w-h, wh, wh, wh. It’s a question word – who, what, when, where, why and which.
whistle wh

28 A-w, aw. (paw) paw aw

29 A-u, au. A-u, au, au, au, au. (automobile)

30 A-u-g-h-t, aught. A-u-g-h-t, aught. (daughter)

31 O-u-g-h-t-, ought. O-u-g-h-t, ought. (bought)
thought ought

32 E-w, oooooo. They are so in love. (few)
stew ew

33 U-i. Put them together they say “oooooo”. (fruit)

34 I-o-n, i-o-n, “ion, ion, ion.” I-o-n, i-o-n, “ion, ion, ion.” (onion)

35 Sometimes you say “ow” but sometimes you say “o” when you see o-w at the end of a word. Sometimes you say “ow” but sometimes you say “o” when you see o-w at the end of a word. cow, snow ow

36 I-c-e, i-c-e, ice, ice! I-c-e, i-c-e, ice, ice! (nice)
dice ice

37 A-c-e, a-c-e, ace, ace! A-c-e, a-c-e, ace, ace! (face)
space ace

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