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A statement from a question?. Some components of language… Grammar Structure Vocabulary Content Intent.

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Presentation on theme: "A statement from a question?. Some components of language… Grammar Structure Vocabulary Content Intent."— Presentation transcript:

1 a statement from a question?

2 Some components of language… Grammar Structure Vocabulary Content Intent

3 Grammar In linguistics, grammar is the set of structural rules that govern the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language.

4 Discuss with your table group Is English a natural language? Is ASL a natural language? Do English and ASL have grammar?

5 The answers: Is English a natural language? Is ASL a natural language? Do English and ASL have grammar? Yes

6 It’s all in the grammar

7 What is a Yes/no question? Discuss this with your table group

8 Yes/no question A question which is answered with a “yes” or a “no”.

9 English How does English ask Yes/no questions? How does English make a statement? Written and spoken Discuss this with your table group, how do you know a question from a statement?

10 Using English examples When we speak English: How do we know it is a question? When we write English: How do we know it is a question?

11 English Speak it- with voice inflection. Write it- with punctuation.

12 ASL How would you guess ASL asks Yes/no questions if we do not use voice inflection or write it? Brainstorm with your table group.

13 Share What did your table group guess?

14 Of course… It’s visual But where do you see it? Eyebrows Structure Sign

15 So now let’s compare an ASL statement and an ASL Yes/no question. With your table group try these on. Do you understand? You do understand.

16 ASL Statements Grammar: Affirmation

17 ASL statements Try these with a partner: I can fingerspell. I finished my homework. I know you. Bob understands. Jay has homework.

18 ASL Yes/no questions Grammar: Eyebrows up Tilt head Lean forward Omit words

19 WHAT? Omit words? Omit : Do, Does, Is, Are… Look at this: Do you like me? Q sign Does Tom know you? Q sign

20 Try these with Q wiggle: Is this yours? Is your homework finished?

21 But not these Can you fingerspell? Will you practice? Future tense Did you do your homework? Past tense In these examples the subject is restated at the end. FINGERSPELL ME CAN ME? PRACTICE YOU WILL YOU? YOUR HOMEWORK YOU FINISH YOU?

22 Try these… Do you have ASL class? You have ASL class. Could I copy you? I can copy you.

23 Practice List 1 I like you. Do you like me? Did Ted finish his homework? Ted finished his homework. I like my school. Do you like your school?

24 Practice List 2 Do you have my homework? You have my homework. My teacher knows your teacher. Does your teacher know my teacher? I know. Do you know?

25 Journal Entry What did you learn about grammar today? Does it make sense to compare English and ASL? How does it help? Or not? Do you feel like you can effectively express an ASL question? How comfortable are you? What are you still confused about? At this point in your ASL experience, speculate how easy or difficult you believe learning ASL will be for you? Why?

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