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Vocab 10. 1) Abject – Most miserable; wretched He spent all of the lottery money and fell into abject poverty.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab 10. 1) Abject – Most miserable; wretched He spent all of the lottery money and fell into abject poverty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab 10

2 1) Abject – Most miserable; wretched He spent all of the lottery money and fell into abject poverty.

3 2) Advocate – To plead in favor of; one who defends for another I am a big advocate of civil rights.

4 3) Atrocity – An act of great cruelty and wickedness. The Holocaust was filled with atrocities.

5 4) Commemorate – To serve as a memorial to; to remember in a solemn manner. The Arizona memorial commemorates the sinking of the ship, the Arizona.

6 5) Dialect – form of language spoken in a certain place that has its own grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. The South has its own dialect.

7 6) Dire – Having terrible consequences; urgent or desperate We were in dire need of a restroom.

8 7) Elite – Considered superior to others. Team 5 is an elite team!

9 8) Enhance – To make greater or better The trees enhance the look of the school.

10 9) Flagrant – Clearly offensive or bad Her cheating on the test was so flagrant that everyone knew.

11 10) Languish – To lose hope, strength because of neglect or bad conditions. We languished because our team was losing.

12 11) Mute – Not speaking or not able to speak; silent. Sometimes, I wish you had a mute button.

13 12) Raze – To level to the ground; to destroy completely. Just as the building was about to be razed, the historical society saved it.

14 13) Reprisal – A retaliation for an injury. There had to be a reprisal for the 9/11 bombing.

15 14) Turmoil – A state of confusion or agitation; tumult. There was turmoil downtown because of the accident.

16 15) Wreak – To bring about or inflict. They started to wreak havoc throughout the school.

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