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Imation Mobile Security Research Presentation August 2013 What is happening with our data?

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Presentation on theme: "Imation Mobile Security Research Presentation August 2013 What is happening with our data?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Imation Mobile Security Research Presentation August 2013 What is happening with our data?

2 2 How are Australian companies managing data?

3 Approach and methodology

4 4 Sample  Senior IT decision makers  I am the sole decision maker for IT  I have a major influence in decisions regarding IT  Business size  No small-small business  Business size classification  25 to 245 ─ medium  250 to 2,499 staff ─ large  more than 2,500 staff ─ enterprise  All states and territories  207 interviews  Compared to 500 (combined) interviews from USA, Canada, Germany and UK

5 Key findings

6 6 Remote working  Many Australians work remotely  77% of companies have between 1% to 30% who work remotely  71% of overseas companies have between 1% and 30% who work remotely  Only 23% of Australian companies have more than 30% who work remotely  27% of overseas companies have more than 30% who work remotely  Australia is similar to overseas

7 7 Mobile device policy in 2012  Policy enforcement  63% of companies have a mobile policy that is enforced  26% have a mobile policy that is not enforced  11% do not have a mobile policy at all  Australia falls behind the rest of the world – 77% have a mobile policy that is enforced  But we’re better than Germany where only 53% have a mobile policy that enforced  How is the policy enforced?  77% have devices that are company approved  21% only have devices owned by the company  Overseas are more strict and less flexible with 38% only allowing company approved devices  More potential for BYOD in Australia

8 8 What about a policy in 2013 and the future?  A mobile policy  4% have a policy in place in 2013  43% don’t have a policy but plan to in the next year  52% do not plan to implement in a policy in the next year  Business size  The larger the business the more likely they are to have implemented a plan since 2012. One quarter (25%) of enterprise businesses have implemented a plan since 2012.  Overseas  8% have a policy in place in 2013  56% plan to have a policy in the next year  43% don’t have a policy nor plan to Base: those that did not have a policy in 2012’

9 9 What is allowed on the network? Allowed, Company Issued Overseas Allowed, Company Issued Diff AU - OS Allowed, Employee Owned Overseas Allowed, Employee Owned Diff AU - OS Not Allowed or not used Laptops7589-142439-151 Smart phones5282-304351-85 Tablets4874-26444318 USB flash drives4769-22443869 Memory cards4264-224135617 External hard drives4862-143129221 Optical media3959-203528726 Other1624-821111062

10 10 Confidence that data is protected from loss or theft Top 2 ‘extremely confident’ and ‘very confident’

11 11 Confidence that data is protected from loss or theft Top 2 ‘extremely confident’ and ‘very confident’

12 12 Consequences of a data breach

13 13 Biggest corporate concern about loss of data? % Negative impact on the company's reputation60 Potential exposure of the company's proprietary information to a competitor 54 Monetary costs associated with data loss and associated breach notification 57 Increased internal workload required to clean up the problem45 Other3

14 14 USBs in your draw/desk right now % 020 1 to 567 6 to 107 More than 106 % Extremely35 Very36 Moderately20 Slightly7 Not at all2 How many USBs are in your draw or on your desk right now? How well do you know what is on each USB?

15 Neil Stollznow PO Box 16 Level 2/156 Military Rd Neutral Bay NSW 2089 T+61 2 9953 7543 F+61 2 9953 7563 M+61 412 200 235

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