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A Newsletter for Our Residents March 2012 Village Grove East HOA It’s Spring Time! Mark Your Calendars Spring Garage Sale April 26-28, 2012 Splash Day.

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Presentation on theme: "A Newsletter for Our Residents March 2012 Village Grove East HOA It’s Spring Time! Mark Your Calendars Spring Garage Sale April 26-28, 2012 Splash Day."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Newsletter for Our Residents March 2012 Village Grove East HOA It’s Spring Time! Mark Your Calendars Spring Garage Sale April 26-28, 2012 Splash Day May 19, 2012 Please see enclosed packet for all Pool Information IMPORTANT NEWS ********* Crime Alert *********** There has been an increase of reports of suspicious activity within our neighborhood, mainly break-ins to vehicles parked on driveways and streets, and some home burglaries. If you see any suspicious activity please contact Pasadena Police Department 713-477-1221 and report anything that looks suspicious. ***** Cats & Dogs ***** Homeowner’s we are seeing a lot of unleashed cats and dogs in the neighborhood. Please be respectful and courteous to your neighbors and their yards. If you do see stray cats and dogs on your street please call Pasadena Animal Control at (281) 991-0602 or feel free to set up a trap and have Animal Control come pick up the animal. Thanks! It’s time to weed and feed our yards and plant color in our life!

2 VGE Homeowner Parking on Streets. Please keep in mind that parking on the street is never allowed. A Police Security Agency has been hired to enforce this deed restriction for VGE from 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. Please park your vehicles in your driveway to avoid a citation. Home Improvements – ACC Applications. Please remember prior to making any changes to the exterior of your home or yard, you must complete an Architectural Control Committee Application and send it to HCMS for approval. Violators will receive a Deed Restriction violation and you can be sent to the attorney if not completed. Application is available on the website at Sidewalks. Homeowner’s we know our sidewalks need improvement. If you have defaults on your sidewalk in front of your house, please call the City of Pasadena at 713-475-5555 and report the default so they can come out and get it fixed. Mowing/Blowing Residents when mowing and blowing your grass, please do not blow grass down the City drains. It is illegal and a City Ordinance. If caught you will receive a heavy fine and face possible prosecution. Please report violators to the Pasadena Police Department at 713-477-1221. Stop Signs & Speeding Please STOP at all stop signs and do not speed through our neighborhood streets. Children are out playing we would hate to see any fatal accidents or injuries occur. Pasadena Police Department The police department is offering a Crime Watch Course, a Citizen’s Police Academy and a FREE Home Inspection. Please call the Pasadena Police Department at 281-998-8240 for more information. If you have a story for our newsletter please send it through the contact us link on

3 Important Telephone Numbers Emergency: Police, Fire & Ambulance911 Harris County Poison Control Center713-654-1701 Tax Office – Paul Bettencourt 713-368-2000 Non – Emergency Police713-477-1221 County Comm.– Sylvia Garcia Pct 2.713-755-6220 Village Grove East Home Owners Association, Inc. Mosquito Control Division281-440-7928 c/o Houston Community Management Services 17049 El Camino Real, Suite 100832-864-1200 City of Pasadena Houston, Texas 77058Fax 281-218-6973 City of Pasadena Water-Billing713-475-5566 City of Pasadena Sewer Dept 713-475-7851 Karen Langhart - Association Manager Street Lights713-207-2222 Phone Number: 832-864-1237 (direct line) 832-864-1200 (main line) Animal Control 281-991-0602 Email: Mayor’s Hotline713-475-5555 Pool Company Gulf Coast Aquatics 281-538-7946 For more information visit us at PRESORTED STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID WEBSTER TX PERMIT NO 48

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