Giving Presentations P.P.Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon – 444 303.

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Presentation on theme: "Giving Presentations P.P.Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon – 444 303."— Presentation transcript:

1 Giving Presentations P.P.Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon – 444 303

2 Presentations- The 3 Steps  Developing Content  Choosing Proper Audio-Visual Aids  Presenting the Contents P. P. Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon 444303

3 Developing Content  A presentation is a talk on some concept or idea.  An idea must first occur to you.  Decide whether your objective is to inform or persuade.  Collect information. Do research as much as possible.  Acknowledge the sources. P. P. Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon 444303

4 Decide your objective

5 Developing Content…  List your main points.  (To be included in your slides/cue cards.)  Develop your argument.  Elaborate the main points.  Support with reasons. P. P. Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon 444303

6 Developing Content…  Write down the script of your talk.  (Not to be included on your slides/cards.)  Give a list of further reading/references.  Use charts/graphs/pictures/audio/video etc if applicable. P. P. Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon 444303

7 Developing Content  Prepare a slide for brief summary/recap at the end.  Must have a Beginning-Middle-and an End.  Must provide an answer to two questions:  SO WHAT ?  WHO CARES? P. P. Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon 444303

8 Choosing Proper Audio Visual Aids  Different A/V aids for presentations are:  LCD Projector + PowerPoint.  OHP (Over Head Projector).  Slide Projector.  Note cards /Cue Cards.  Flipcharts/Blackboards/Whiteboards  Interactive Whiteboards.  Visualizers. P. P. Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon 444303

9 Over Head Projector (OHP) Slide Projector Visualizer Note Cards Flipcharts Audio Visual Tools for Presentation

10 Choosing Proper Audio Visual Aids…  Choose the one most suitable for you.  You may choose one or more.  Make sure you are comfortable with it.  Know the technical operations properly. P. P. Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon 444303

11 Presenting the Content  Tell them what you are going to tell them.  Tell them what you want to tell them.  Tell them what you have just told them. P. P. Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon 444303

12 Presenting the Content  Opening remarks.  Stating the purpose.  Give an outline.  (Tell them what you want to tell them.)  Switch between points if necessary. P. P. Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon 444303

13 Presenting the Content…  Emphasize important points.  Draw attention to visuals.  Keep the audience involved.  Summarize and conclude. P. P. Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon 444303

14 Presenting the Content…  Invite questions.  Be tolerant. Be brief.  Don’t enter into lengthy arguments.  Maintain proper posture.  Maintain proper pitch and tone of the voice. P. P. Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon 444303

15 Presenting the Content…  Good and positive body language and neat appearance is necessary.  Avoid hurting remarks and disrespectful comments.  Show courtesy. P. P. Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon 444303

16 Some Tips…  Don’t block the screen.  Don’t pace up and down.  Avoid clichés and scripts.  Don’t turn your back on the audience. P. P. Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon 444303

17 Some tips…  Try operating the PPT yourself or talk to the person operating it for you beforehand.  Avoid too many animations.  ‘Rehearse’ as many times as possible. P. P. Thakur, Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon 444303

18 Any Questions ? P. P. Thakur Assistant Professor of English, G.S. Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon- 444 303 (Maharashtra)


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