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EXPECTED OUTCOMES for our 2-Day Consultation Consensus on the data & assumptions driving the church ministries. Consensus on the data & assumptions driving.

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Presentation on theme: "EXPECTED OUTCOMES for our 2-Day Consultation Consensus on the data & assumptions driving the church ministries. Consensus on the data & assumptions driving."— Presentation transcript:


2 EXPECTED OUTCOMES for our 2-Day Consultation Consensus on the data & assumptions driving the church ministries. Consensus on the data & assumptions driving the church ministries. Consensus on the facility challenge points. Consensus on the facility challenge points. Development of a schematic master plan (of attack) to address the issues. Development of a schematic master plan (of attack) to address the issues. Adoption of a next step. Adoption of a next step. Why Are We Here Today?

3 Matthew 28:19-20 (NKJV) 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Why Have Buildings At All?

4 Matthew 28:19-20 (NKJV) 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Why Have Buildings At All?

5 A dull axe requires great strength; be wise and sharpen the blade! A dull axe requires great strength; be wise and sharpen the blade! Ecclesiastes 10:10 Ecclesiastes 10:10 A dull axe requires great strength; be wise and sharpen the blade! A dull axe requires great strength; be wise and sharpen the blade! Ecclesiastes 10:10 Ecclesiastes 10:10 Buildings are the tools we use to carry out our mission as a church. Buildings are the tools we use to carry out our mission as a church.

6 Growth Space Worship – 80% Worship – 80% Education – 80% Education – 80% Parking Parking Administrative Administrative Choir Rehearsal Choir Rehearsal Fellowship Fellowship Recreation Recreation Storage Storage This space is required for a church to be missional How Do We Know Which “Roofs to Uncover” First? Support Space



9 Growth Balance Profile ActualCapacityWorship185320+3053% Sunday School 16856730% Parking111176(56) SS/Worship Ratio 60% Annual Giving $292,630 Giving Per SS Attender $1,742 Second Baptist Church Bowling Green, MO

10 Worship Profile Avg. Attend. Capacity @ 80% % Full8:00am10025639% 10:45am19025674% Capacity Sanctuary = 29 Pews at 10 persons/pew =290 people Choir = 30 chairs Two Services Full @ 150% of Capacity = 480 Second Baptist Church Bowling Green, MO

11 Sunday School Balanced for 2 Full Worship Services Target % of Total Need Room For Now Have Room For Additional SF NeededPreschool15%5432770 Children15%5480- Youth15%54185- Adult55%198250- SS Attendance = 75% of Worship = 360 Second Baptist Church Bowling Green, MO

12 Current Campus Second Baptist Church, Bowling Green, MO Site Capacity 1.5 acres @ 125 people per acre = 188 people With borrowed parking = 260 people

13 Project Phasing Recommendations PHASE I – Stay and Grow Critical Issues – Parking and Preschool Critical Issues – Parking and Preschool PHASE II – Stay and Polish Critical Issues – Access & Connections Critical Issues – Access & Connections PHASE III – Go and Grow PHASE III – Go and Grow Critical Issues – Sale of Property and Purchase of New Property Critical Issues – Sale of Property and Purchase of New Property

14 PHASE I - Stay & Grow Ia – Begin Aggressive Parking Education Ib – Develop New Parking on northeast property Ic – Purchase up to 1.2 adjacent acres for parking development Id – Expand preschool spaces and create dedicated preschool hallway by relocating adults

15 Member Parking New Member & Guest Parking Special Needs Parking Member Parking


17 Current Campus Second Baptist Church, Bowling Green, MO Parking Overview Current Spaces = 61 (110 people) Current Spaces = 61 (110 people) With borrowed parking = 101 Spaces (182 people) With borrowed parking = 101 Spaces (182 people) With Phase I = 144 spaces (260 people) With Phase I = 144 spaces (260 people) For full balance = Purchase 1.2 acres For full balance = Purchase 1.2 acres 1.2 Acre Purchase Needed to support 2 full worship services

18 PP P P P Dedicated Preschool Hallway *Adults Relocated Upstairs above Sanctuary & Into Youth Room(s)

19 PHASE I Budget - Stay & Grow Est. Const. CostContingencyTotal Ia – Parking Ed.*Budgeted expenses for signage and printing Ib – New NE Pkng$50,000$5,000$55,000 Ic – Purchase 1.2 Adjacent Acres Market Price Id – Reallocate space for more preschool SS None TOTAL PHASE I$55,000

20 PHASE II - Stay & Polish IIa – Create east-west access via stairs/walks IIb – Develop Founder’s Fellowship Plaza IIc – Develop Founder’s Fellowship Pavilion IId – Build north bi-level connection between sanctuary and education

21 WastedSpace


23 Phase 2a Phase 2b Phase 2c Phase 2d

24 South Elevation Second Baptist Church, Bowling Green, MO

25 South Elevation Second Baptist Church, Bowling Green, MO

26 PHASE II Budget - Stay & Polish Est. Const. CostContingencyTotal IIa – Ped. Access$12,500$2,500(1)$15,000 IIb – Plaza$10,000$2,500(2)$12,500 IIc – Pavilion$15,000$2,500(3)$17,500 IId – Building Connector $125,000$25,000(4)$150,000 Notes: (1)Does not include optional lift in sanctuary or design fees (2)Includes plaza furniture and fountain (3)Does not include furniture or design fees (4)Includes contingency, design, engineering, permitting & demolition. TOTAL PHASE II$195,000

27 PHASE III – Go & Grow IIIa – Locate and Purchase minimum 15 acre tract for relocation IIIb – Develop Comprehensive Master Plan of Development IIIc – Begin Capital Fund Raising for Phase I IIId – Market existing property IIIe – Begin construction on Phase I

28 PHASE III – Go & Grow Order of Magnitudes (Phase I) PHASE III – Go & Grow Order of Magnitudes (Phase I) Land Purchase – 15 acre minimum = $150,000 Worship Space for 450 (Phase I) @ 20sf per person = $1,500,000 Education/Support for Phase I Only = $3,000,000 Site Development Costs (Pro-ratas, utilities, etc.) = $50,000 Soft Costs (Planning, contingencies, design, engineering, site paving, utilities, furnishings, permitting, etc.) = $1,125,000 Initial Order of Magnitude to Relocate to Phase I = $5,825,000* Pronounce as “somewhere below $10,000,000”

29 Step 1 Authorize LifeWay to Complete Presentation Package Artist’s Renderings Typical Fee = $2,000

30 Step 2 Capital Fund Raising Retain Consultant Retain Consultant Choose team Choose team Conduct campaign Conduct campaign

31 Step 3 Development of Construction Documents Call LifeWay to develop plans and specifications Call LifeWay to develop plans and specifications Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Plumbing Engineering Plumbing Engineering

32 Step 4 Construction Obtain permits Obtain permits Authorize construction Authorize construction

33 “You cannot stay where you are, and go with God.” Henry Blackaby

34 Q uestion & A nswer

35 © 2009 LifeWay Christian Resources One LifeWay Plaza Nashville, TN 37234-0168 (615) 251-2466

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