Heron Heights Elementary A Green School in Broward County 2009-2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Heron Heights Elementary A Green School in Broward County 2009-2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heron Heights Elementary A Green School in Broward County 2009-2010

2 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

3 What makes HHE Green?  Solar panels  Vegetation  Recycling  Reducing consumption  Reusing

4 Recycling Collection at HHE What kind of recycling do we have?  Paper  Plastic/Aluminum Cans  Plastic Bottle Caps  Soda Pop Tops  Ink Cartridges/Cell phones  Terracycle Items

5 PAPER RECYCLING Classroom bins Work room & common area bins Recycling Trash Slim Jim Round Blue bins

6 PAPER RECYCLING What Paper Can I Recycle? Paper Cardboard Envelopes Phone Books Post-it Notes Magazine Newspaper Notebook Chart BulletinConstructionGraph Please do not put plastic backed paper or food contaminated paper in the paper recycle bins.

7 BOTTLE/CAN RECYCLING  No Classroom bins - can use clear plastic bag to collect (suggestion - tall kitchen garbage can)  Common area and workroom bins - must be in clear plastic bag. Trash Recycling

8 BOTTLE/CAN RECYCLING What Can I Recycle in the round bin? Cans Plastic Bottles Must be in clear plastic bag so it can go in the dumpster! Please EMPTY & RINSE out cans/bottles first and remove caps.

9 GOAL FOR BOTTLE RECYCLING To significantly reduce the numbers of water bottles used at HHE! Why? Plastic bottles take 450+ years to decompose. The U.S. throws away 60 million water bottles per day! How?Encourage students to bring in BPA free reusable plastic bottles or stainless steel bottles. The Green Patrol can remind students to take bottles home at the end of the day.

10 BOTTLE CAP RECYCLING  Collect in classroom bin. We are working on getting a bin for the main entrance hallway.  Caps are not recyclable – Aveda company sends us prepaid shipping labels to send these to them and they use them in their product packaging.

11 SODA POP TOP RECYCLING  Collect in classroom bin. We are working on getting a bin for the main entrance hallway.  These are collected for the Ronald McDonald House.  Please remind students these should be rinsed and clean before bringing them to school.

12 INKJET/CELL PHONE RECYCLING  We will have a bin in the main hallway.  These are collected and sent to Funding Factory. In turn, we will get cash/playground equipment, etc.

13 CRAYON RECYCLING  As you have crayons that are too small to be used, please collect them in a bin. Please leave the wrappers on these.  These will be sent to Crazy Crayons who will recycle them into new crayons.

14 TERRACYCLE RECYCLING  Collect in bins in cafeteria. You may choose to have a spot in the classroom to collect during snack time and then have students bring them to the cafeteria.  Please remind students these should be rinsed and clean before bringing them to school.

15 TERRACYCLE RECYCLING What Can I Recycle? Frito Lay Chip BagsYogurt ContainersDrink Pouches Cookie WrappersMars Candy Wrappers

16 Things that can be recycled elsewhere… Plastic BagsEyeglasses Trash 2 Treasure Return these to PublixDrop off at Publix ElectronicsBatteries Check local cities.

17 LANDFILL (TRASH) What must go to the Landfill?  Paper with Paint on itPlastic plates, cups, utensilsFood Items with food contaminationStyrofoam - Don’t Buy!

18 Other green initiatives at HHE…  Carrier System The youngest child in a class will be the “carrier” for paper messages. You will get a list of who these students are. Suggestions – highlight their name on their mailbox, or write a C next to their nametag on their desk so you quickly know who these students are.

19 Other green initiatives at HHE…  No Idling Zone  Idle-free school bus zone  Idle-free car line zone

20 Other green initiatives at HHE… To be implemented as feasible: 1.Waste free lunch program 2.Walk/Bike to school day National Walk to School Day is Oct. 7th 3. Sell “green” items in school store. 4. Peace garden/compost

21 Implementation  Green Patrol  Classroom Students:  Make sure computers are turned off  Monitor recycling in classroom  Remind students to take home bottles

22 ENVIRONMENTAL CLUBS  Planet Pals  Grades K-2  Planet Patrols  Grades 3-5 Information coming…

23 What can I do to help  Think before you throw away!  Can it be recycled?  Encourage others to recycle.  Get in the habit, recycle at home.  Teach your students about recycling.  Have your students do a project about recycling. Remember, it only takes a second to reach for the recycle bin instead of the trash can!

24 Helpful Resources  Go Green Initiative  Great resource for going green!  http://www.gogreeninitiative.org  Trash to TreasureCreative Reuse center  Great place for turning in unwanted items  http://www.trash2treasurefl.org  Free cycle – reduce landfill waste http://www.freecycle.org

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