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Childcare Issues in the Young Persons Programme Deirdre Carey Social Worker The Drug Treatment Centre Board.

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1 Childcare Issues in the Young Persons Programme Deirdre Carey Social Worker The Drug Treatment Centre Board

2 Social Worker’s Role Substance misuse linked to: Other issues & risks Mental health difficulties Relationship & family dysfunction Criminal activity Child protection issues

3 Social Workers Role cont’d Childcare Issues Main issues encountered by YPP Accommodation issues, homelessness Social welfare issues Relationship & family issues Education, training and rehabilitation issues

4 Social workers role cont….. The Programme YPP (Young Person’s Programme) Holistic client-centred approach Development of individualised treatment plans Collaboration with young person Every effort made to involve family and/or significant others Careplanning process is continuous evolving process of assessment, treatment and review

5 Multidisciplinary Setting Social work within the multidisciplinary setting involves: Advocacy Individual casework Family liaison Referrals

6 Benefits of a Social Worker to the YPP Provides a liaison role to: Statutory and voluntary agencies Assist the young person and their family to functions safely within the community Within the team

7 Policy Framework The social worker operates within a setting governed by legal and policy frameworks. Must be cognisant of key policy documents in relation to children & young people 1989 United Nations Convention (ratified by Ireland in 1992) Ireland’s Child Care Act 1991 UK’s Children’s Act 1989 UK’s Children’s Act 2004 Ireland’s Children First 1999

8 Policy To safeguard the welfare of all children by protecting them from harm. In partnership with parents and through sharing information with both statutory and voluntary agencies, the Board seeks to assist in reducing or minimising the potential risk or actual harm to children Drug Treatment Centre Board Annual Report 2004

9 1989 United Nations Convention (ratified by Ireland in 1992) spells out the basic human rights that children everywhere should have. “devotion to the best interests of the child” States party to the convention are obliged to develop and undertake all actions and policies in the light of the best interests of the child recognizes the critical role of the family in the life of the child It is the fundamental group in society the natural environment for the well being growth of all its members and particularly children and should be afforded the necessary protection and assistance so that it can fully assume its responsibilities in the community

10 UK’s Children’s Act 1989 & UK’s Children’s Act 2004 pieces of legislation governing child care in the UK Children’s Act 1989 for the first time in British law made the welfare of the child a paramount concern Children‘s Act 2004 provides the legal underpinning for “Every Child Matters”, the programme aimed at transforming childcare services in the UK.

11 Ireland’s Child Care Act 1991 provides the current legal framework for statutory child care services places a legal obligation on the Health Service Executive to promote the welfare of children who are not receiving adequate care and protection states that the welfare of the child should be the first and paramount consideration

12 Ireland’s Children First 1999 This provides national guidelines for the protection and welfare of Children These guidelines were developed to improve the identification, reporting, assessment and treatment and management of child abuse. They also sought to clarify the responsibilities of various professionals and individuals within organisations; and to enhance communication and co-ordination of information between disciplines and organisations. The guidelines also state that a proper balance be struck between protecting children and respecting the rights and needs of parents/carers and families. However, it clearly states where there is conflict the child’s welfare comes first

13 Philosophy & principles informing Childcare Policy The welfare of the child is paramount The right of all children to such care as will meet their basic social needs- physical, psychological, emotional educational and social. The right of all children to be protected from harm That it is generally in the child’s best interest to be brought up within their own family. The rights of children and parents to be actively involved (as far as is possible) in the decision making process. That services should be integrated and co-ordinate.

14 Example of a Case Study Case management issues of a young person < 18 years who becomes a parent Potential dilemmas/conflicts involved in working such a case Interagency communication, co- operation and coordination in responding to complex needs of clients presenting

15 Conflict & Dilemmas Conflicts in practice: In the area of child protection, a situation may arise where the mother and/or father of a child at risk may themselves be under the age of 18, and therefore children under the relevant act. In such an instance, both mother and child, for example, could be viewed as having similar rights.

16 Conflict & Dilemmas cont’d Conflicts and dilemmas can also occur in the area of rights to confidentiality. in a drug treatment context by the issue of release of information pertaining to urine analysis results. Child protection is one of the very few areas where a client’s right to the confidentiality of urinalysis can be waived - where the “interest of the child is paramount”. Statutory agencies use urinalysis results as a measure or barometer of how well a client is doing on their drug treatment programme critical in determining the suitability of a client to fulfill the role of parent. The approach adopted by the Young Persons Programme multidisciplinary team is a holistic approach equal importance is given to attendance, cooperation with their treatment plan, linking with the supports available within the programme such as key working, counseling and participation in the varied extra mural activities.

17 Resolving Conflict & Dilemmas through a greater understanding of the practices of the agencies involved understanding comes through co- operation and communication between the agencies and integration and co-ordination of the services they provide

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