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2 SAFE & HYGIENIC SALON PRACTICES CARDIO PULMONARY RESUSCITATION ASSESSMENT REVISION What will be included in this revision lesson ?  What is CPR?  Signs and symptoms of a Heart Attack.  CPR! You can do it !!!!!  CPR simulator.  Questions and answers.

3 SAFE & HYGIENIC SALON PRACTICES CARDIO PULMONARY RESUSCITATION ASSESSMENT REVISION What is CPR? Artificial method of circulating blood and oxygen through a body and attempting to keep the brain alive. Initial assessment. Airway maintenance. EAV ( Rescue Breathing ) Chest compression. A “Holding Exercise”

4 Signs and Symptoms of Heart Attack  Persistent, vice like central chest pain, often spreading to the jaw and down one or both arms. Pain is unlikely to ease.  Breathlessness, and discomfort occurring high in the abdomen similar to severe indigestion.  Collapse often without further warning.  Sense of impending doom.  “Ashen” skin and cynoptic lips.  Rapid, weak irregular pulse.

5 A = AIRWAY  IT CAN BE AS EASY AS A- B- C: A - AIRWAY  Place  Place victim flat on his/her back on a hard surface.  Shake victim at the shoulders and shout "are you okay?"  If no response, call emergency medical services then,  Head-tilt/chin-lift - open victims' airway by tilting their head back with one hand while lifting up their chin with your other hand.

6 B = BREATHING  Position your cheek close to victims' nose and mouth, look toward victims' chest, and  Look, listen, and feel for breathing (5-10 seconds)  If not breathing, pinch victim's nose closed and give 2 full breaths into victim's mouth (use microshield if available).  If breaths won't go in, reposition head and try again to give breaths.

7 C = CIRCULATION  C - CIRCULATION  Visually check for any signs of circulation and recovery.  If there is no signs of circulation, begin chest compressions as follows:  Place heel of one hand on lower part of victim's sternum. With your other hand directly on top of first hand, Depress sternum 1.5 to 2 inches.  Perform 15 compressions to every 2 breaths. (rate: 80-100 per minute)  check for return of pulse every minute.  CONTINUE UNINTERRUPTED UNTIL ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT IS AVAILABLE.

8 CPR SIMULATOR YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!  Click on the hyperlink below and test your CPR knowledge and skills.  It is estimated that one in seven people will have the opportunity to use CPR in their lifetime. This is particularly relevant to the West of Scotland.  NEXT TIME YOU COULD BE CALLED UPON!!!!  ARE YOU READY!!!!  CPR and First Aid simulator and training CPR and First Aid simulator and training CPR and First Aid simulator and training

9 Frequently asked questions.  Can I kill someone if I do CPR incorrectly?  NO!!!!! If it is not done “letter perfect” it will probably provide some benefit to the victim.

10 Frequently asked questions  Will CPR always save a life?  NO!!! In fact most instances of CPR for cardiac arrest are unsuccessful.

11 Frequently asked questions.  What happens if the victim vomits?  Vomit is obviously unpleasant. If it happens ( and it may in 1 out of 20 cardiac arrests) merely turn the head to the side and wipe the vomit away as best you can.

12 Frequently asked questions.  Can I get sued if I perform CPR.  You theoretically could but there has never been successful suit brought against performing CPR.

13 SAFE & HYGIENIC SALON PRACTICES CARDIO PULMONARY RESUSCITATION ASSESSMENT REVISION  IN SUMMARY ;  Work within your limitations.  Don’t put yourself at any risk.  Perform the CPR protocol.  DO YOUR BEST.

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