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Orthorexia Presentation by Marissa Buckley, Shelby Root, and Monica Villegas NUFS 124 February 17th, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Orthorexia Presentation by Marissa Buckley, Shelby Root, and Monica Villegas NUFS 124 February 17th, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orthorexia Presentation by Marissa Buckley, Shelby Root, and Monica Villegas NUFS 124 February 17th, 2015

2 Video:

3 Orthorexia Nervosa •Term coined by Steven Bratman, M.D
•“Ortho” meaning straight, “orexia” refers to appetite •Not classified in DSM-V (Brown, 2013) one important thing to note: not classified in DSM-V

4 Etiology •Can start with an innocent attempt to eating healthier (Kratina, 2014) •Unhealthy obsession with food

5 Psychopathology •Safety from poor health • Compulsion
•Escape from fears •Wanting to be thin •Spirituality through food •Food as an identity

6 Pathophysiology Obsessive-Compulsive and Phobic Symptoms (Brytek-Matera, 2012) Emaciation Bone Density Loss Cardiac Complications (Ekern, 2014). Shelby Root

7 Diagnosis Bratman’s Orthorexia Test
e.g. “Do you spend more than 3 hours per day thinking about your diet?” (Brytek-Matera, 2012). Shelby Root

8 Treatment Pure healthy foods Vs. Desire to be thin.
Need to learn that food is not an obsession. Respond better to treatment

9 Cognitive treatment. belief and thought patterns More flexible.
Treatment Cont. Cognitive treatment. belief and thought patterns More flexible.

10 Recovery Healthy eating with better understanding. Shift in identity
Food is a small part of life.

11 References American Dietetic Association (2011). Nutrition Intervention in the Treatment of Eating Disorders. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, (111), Brytek-Matera, A. (2012). Orthorexia nervosa–an eating disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder or disturbed eating habit. Archives of Psychiatry and psychotherapy, 1, Ekern, J. (2014). Orthorexia, excessive exercise & nutrition. Retrieved from Brown, Nancy, Ph.D. "Orthorexia Nervosa." Orthorexia Nervosa. Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Oct Web. 16 Feb Kratina, Karin. "Orthorexia Nervosa | National Eating Disorders Association." Orthorexia Nervosa | National Eating Disorders Association. National Eating Disorders, n.d. Web. 16 Feb

12 Questions 1.Name two items that are symptoms of orthorexia and how they are different than just a healthy eating pattern. 2. What test can be used to diagnose orthorexia? 3. What is an important step in the road to recovery?

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