The Agenda - An Update Ottawa, October 2013 Neil Fraser, Guiding Group Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "The Agenda - An Update Ottawa, October 2013 Neil Fraser, Guiding Group Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Agenda - An Update Ottawa, October 2013 Neil Fraser, Guiding Group Chair

2 Contributions of the Sector o Supports livelihoods 1 billion poor, 40% of agricultural GDP, 3.5% annual growth o Food security and nutrition 26% of global protein consumption, critical micronutrients o Economic development Poverty reduction, income increase, international trade o Non-food services Fertilizer, draught, fibre, household capital reserve, by-products

3 Global Resources o Livestock as users of global resources Energy, nutrient, land, water Grazing occupies 26% of earth’s land surface 33% of cropland for livestock feed o Externalities GHG emissions – 14% of global total Nutrient emissions – water quality Overgrazing Biodiversity Land use change

4 Livestock Sector Trends: World Production Million tonnes Source: FAOSTAT Meat Million tonnes Milk Eggs

5 Drivers of Consumption and Future Trends World demand for livestock food products since 1990: Milk +30% Meat +60% Eggs + 80% +70% by 2050 o Population growth: +30% since 1990 +30% or 9.6 billion people by 2050 o Income growth: +1.5%/year since 1980,+5 to 7%/year in Asia +2%/year to 2050 o Urbanization: 20% in 1900, 40% in 1990, >50% in 2010 70% of urban people in 2050

6 Growth in Context This growth in demand sits within a triangle that has to be reconciled… …sustainably …globally...through local action

7 The Agenda Links Three Issues of our Time

8 Resolution For a sustainable livestock sector, there is… No single answer - diversity of situations and systems No single organization No single stakeholder group Instead, there is a need for collective, concerted and global action

9 o Multi-stakeholder partnership committed to sustainable livestock sector development o Continuous improvement of natural resource use o Links three BIG challenges of our time Resource Scarcity Demand growth Poverty o Addresses unprecedented challenges o Unites the forces of all sector actors o Focuses on themes with a high potential for change o Informs, guides and catalyzes practice change o Supports innovation and investment in viable sector solutions Global Agenda of Action

10 Three Focus Areas o Closing the efficiency gap Changes in production practices ensure a better use of natural resources and enhance food security o Restoring value to grassland Appropriate land management can protect soils, water resources and biodiversity, while enhancing livelihoods o Waste to worth Recovering energy and nutrients from animal manure protects the environment and provides economic gains

11 Developments So Far o Consultation process started in 2010 (FAO COAG) Dialogue group: improve sector performance, voluntary o The Brasilia consensus (May 2011) First MSP meeting. Endorsement of the Agenda’s nature o The Phuket roadmap (December 2011) Second MSP meeting. Endorsement of the Agenda’s focus o Workshops and Interim Preparatory Committee meetings, 2012

12 Developments So Far (cont’d) o MSP meeting in Nairobi (January 2013) Third MSP meeting. Refine action programmes, agree initial set-up arrangements (including GG), refine and endorse Strategy and Consensus o Guiding Group (June and September 2013) o Civil Society dialogue – Ahmedabad, September 2013 – Mechanism for the inclusion of social movements and Community-based Organizations; o Focus Area group developments

13 Nature of the Agenda o Multi-stakeholder partnership o Open and voluntary – but membership of the Focus Area Groups and Guiding Groups subject to signing the Agenda Consensus o Inclusive and consensual o Direction of change o Knowledge based o Respect

14 o Consult & Network To build consensus and share knowledge on technology, best practices, policies and institutional environments. o Analyze and Inform To better understand resource use issues; to develop harmonized methods to measure resource use efficiency and identify entry points for improvements. o Guide & Pilot To provide strategic guidance on innovation and investments and to catalyze resource use efficient practices at scale. The Agenda - Functions o The partnership enhances the shared understanding of development issues and builds consensus on the path towards sustainable food security through dialogue, consultation, and joint analyses. o Consensus forms the basis of stakeholder commitment to innovation and investment in practice change that contributes to large environmental, social and economic gains.

15 Initial Set Up o Open Multi-stakeholder Platform (partnership) for consensus building on priority issues and actions o Guiding Group for overall direction, communication and stakeholder connection Only for signatories of the Consensus o Focus area groups to implement the partnership joint work programs Only for signatories of the Consensus o Support Group for coordination and consensus building, assistance and guidance, support to the Agenda process and components, communication strategy

16 Ongoing tasks o Encourage concrete commitment o Catalyze practice change towards sustainability (policies, institutions, incentives) o Facilitate innovation o Mobilization of support, communication and funding o Continue activities including FA workshops o Prepare MSP meetings


18 The Key to Results o Practice change Continuous Improvement

19 Key Factors for Practice Change Ensuring the Agenda contributes to practice change requires: 1.Commitment 2.Clarity on substance 3.Facilitation of innovation 4.Enabling environment

20 1. Commitment o Broad-based, concrete o Expression of political will, (and implementation) o Setting objectives sustainability targets by all stakeholder groups o Specific social, economic and environmental objectives that underpin sustainability

21 2. Clarity on Substance o Assessment and analyses o Measurement Impacts, interactions o Sectoral guidelines (voluntary) o Consensus on resource use governance

22 3. Innovation o Linking practitioners (producers, industry, policy makers) with knowledge and experience o National and local MSPs (clusters, networks, partnerships) (pilots?) o Regional collaboration

23 4. Enabling Environment o Agreements on resource access and use o Removal of distortions (including prices) o Incentives, taxes, payments o Policy, regulatory, institutional change

24 Refinements to Agenda Setup o Issues and options paper Practice change (see previous) MSP: o “Sign-up” to consensus o Constituency representation Focus area groups o Refinements? o Reporting? Guiding group o Constituency basis? (clusters) o “Bureau” (executive group) Support team o Changes? o Extra staff (funding)

25 Refinements to Agenda Setup o Issues and options paper (cont’d) Renaming Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock Funding Communication

26 Thank You

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