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Presentation on theme: "ROWAN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY Intro to Apple Computers."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROWAN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY Intro to Apple Computers

2 Objectives Instill a basic understanding of Apple products Understand key differences between Mac and PC’s Learn to navigate the Mac desktop and menus Gain a basic understanding of native Mac and Apple programs

3 Macintosh Desktop Windows Desktop The Comparison, Mac VS PC

4 Macintosh PC Parts only manufactured by Apple Price of an iMac: $2,202.00-2,650.00 Uses a more image- based user intereface Are, in some cases, more secure than the average PC Parts have many manufacturers Price of a PC with similar specs: $1,821.59 Uses a more text-based interface More customizable Basic Differences

5 Macintosh PC Uses a “Dock” for apps/programs Primarily uses Apple programs Uses Safari as default web browser Uses shortcuts for apps/programs Primarily uses Microsoft or 3 rd party programs Uses Internet Explorer as default web browser Key Differences

6 Getting Started Turn on your Mac. You will open to the desktop. Notice the icons at the bottom. This is your dock. This is where most programs are launched from. At the top you will see a toolbar. This is the Mac equivalent of the Start menu. If you need to right click, hold Ctrl and click.

7 System Preferences The Mac System Preferences are the Apple equivalent of the Control Panel On the far top left, on the toolbar, click the Apple button Click System Preferences You will see several categories with several options listed

8 Desktop and Screen Saver Let’s get acquainted with one of the most commonly used settings In System Preferences click Desktop and Screen Saver Here you will see various folders and images for your desktop wallpaper, choose one Screen Saver works in a similar manner. Click the Screen Saver button at the top and choose a screen saver

9 Managing Windows Mac OS has windows for programs, in much the same way that PC’s running Windows does You will notice in the top left corner of each window an X, -, and + symbol The X closes the window, the – minimizes it, and the + maximizes it Let’s hit X to exit out of the System Preferences and Desktop and Screen Saver Settings

10 The Toolbar At the top of your screen you will always see the toolbar. When nothing is open Finder will be displayed next to the Apple button When you open a program, such as Safari, the program title will replace Finder. This new menu will serve as the settings menu for that program

11 The Dock Let’s look more closely at the Dock. This is where the Mac launches most of it’s apps/programs The most notable of these apps are the Trash Bin, Safari, Finder, iTunes, and Settings By clicking on the corresponding icon on the Dock, you can open these apps easily with one click

12 The Trash Bin The Mac Trash Bin works almost exactly like the Windows Trash Bin Ctrl-click, or right click, to delete an item or file When an item is deleted it is moved to the Trash Bin Items can also be dragged to the Trash Bin on the Dock To empty the Trash Bin, simply ctrl-click or right click and click Empty Trash

13 Safari By clicking the Compass on the Dock you will open Safari, Apple’s default web browser You will notice a few aesthetic differences between Safari and Explorer, but, functionally, they are much the same Let’s begin by clicking the address bar at the top and typing, hit Enter

14 Safari, Cont. You will notice that Safari has now navigated to, just like any other browser You will notice that the Mac toolbar has changed from Finder to Safari, this is where you can access Safari’s settings You can also open multiple tabs in Safari by clicking the + next to the currently opened tab

15 Closing Programs In OS X, hitting X only closes the window but if you have an application or program running, such as Safari, hitting X will not close the program In order to close the program you must click on the program name and click Quit Program You can also use Ctrl-Q to quit or close a program Use this to quit Safari

16 Finder If you click the blue face icon it will open Finder Finder is the Apple equivalent of File Explorer in Windows Here you can access your pictures, documents, hard drive, etc Click X to close Finder

17 iTunes iTunes is the default media player for Mac and the default device manager for iPods and iPhones We won’t open this today as we could spend an entire class on it The music icon on the Dock will open iTunes, iTunes may also open if an iPhone, iPad, or iPod is plugged into the computer

18 Settings Finally, we have the gears icon This is the Settings app This is an alternative to the System Preferences that we viewed earlier While it opens the same menus, this app simply allows quick access to the System Preferences screen from the desktop

19 Macintosh HD One of the few, maybe the only, desktop shortcuts that you will see is the Macintosh HD If you have a program that does not have a Dock icon or a desktop shortcut, this is where you will go to find it Click on the Macintosh HD shortcut. This will open up the contents of the hard drive. This can also be accessed via Finder

20 Macintosh HD, Cont. Here we will return to the screen that opened when we clicked on Finder Macintosh HD will be highlighted and you will see the contents of the hard drive You will notice Applications listed on the left. If we click on Applications you will see the various apps and programs installed on this computer listed

21 Aliases While we’re in Finder, let’s quickly go over Aliases Aliases are the Mac equivalent to desktop shortcuts To create an Alias, hold the Apple key and the Alt/Option key and click and drag the folder you want to your desktop or dock Click X to exit Finder/Mac HD

22 Hardware You may have already noticed, but the Mac has USB ports, an on/off switch, and an eject button just like it’s PC counterparts If you have no done so already, locate them now

23 Mac Core Programs We’ve already covered a few core programs, but let’s quickly touch on a few more Mail: This is the default email program on Mac computers. It is the Apple equivalent of Outlook on PC’s. It can be set up with any email address you wish

24 Mac Core Programs, Cont. Dashboard: Dashboard is the default program in which all of the Mac’s widgets are housed. These often include a clock, weather forecast, and calendar, though many more can be added.

25 Mac Core Programs, Cont. Address Book: This one is pretty straight forward. This is an application that allows you to store various contacts’ email addresses, phone numbers, etc.

26 Mac Core Programs, Cont. iCal: Mac’s default calendar. It functions in much the same way that Outlook calendars do. Here you can keep track of upcoming events, holidays, birthdays, etc.

27 iLife Suite On some Mac OS’s iLife Suite will come pre- installed iLife Suite includes 5 programs: iDVD, iPhoto, iWeb, GarageBand, and iMovie These programs are generally editing tools which you can use to create movies, photo albums, DVD’s, etc.

28 Wrapping Up There is still much more we can learn and talk about with Apple computers, but this familiarization course has hopefully given you a basic idea of the layout of Mac OS. We will be holding many future classes on Apple computers and the programs they use, each building on the last, starting with today.

29 Questions? This concludes our Intro to Apple Computers. If you require further assistance or have any questions, feel free to ask. We’re here to help. Thank you for attending our class and for visiting Rowan County Public Library.

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