Lions and tigers and bears? Oh my! working with web 2.0 services Gill Hamilton Systems Librarian Digital Library Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Lions and tigers and bears? Oh my! working with web 2.0 services Gill Hamilton Systems Librarian Digital Library Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lions and tigers and bears? Oh my! working with web 2.0 services Gill Hamilton Systems Librarian Digital Library Division

2 Outline tools blogs lions FaceBook issues statistics tips customers YouTube library of congress XML integration tigers Flickr bears bulk loading the future kids metadata loading Alexa GIMP content loading dylan formats API elements TubeMogul

3 What service to use? Wot u got? –Events, Photos, Videos Wot’s or who’s ur audience? Where d’ya put it all? –Check AlexaAlexa 1 Google UK 2 Facebook 5 YouTube 9 MySpace 10 Bebo 11 Wikipedia 22 Flickr 33 Photobucket 37 46 6Park (Chinese community overseas)

4 How much u got? Just a few things –Good! –It’s all 1-at-a-time anyway Lots and lots of one thing –oh my! Lots and lots of everything –oh my! Oh My! OH MY!

5 Lots and lots of one thing? There are two issues here Issue 1 –How to bulk load materials flickr uploadruploadr YouTube loaderloader Facebook –Events? –How I laughed!

6 Lots and lots of 1 thing? Issue 2 How to bulk load the metadata –flickr DIY with API flickr API for uploadinguploading Transform your data with XML LofC photos on flickr [how]LofC how –YouTube I’m afraid it’s mostly C&P Unless of course you can do PHPPHP But Google will buy someone surely?! –Facebook I’m afraid it’s mostly C&P MS is being predatory these days

7 Lots & lots of everything Integration? –Pah! –Facebook tho’ [NLS FB]NLS FB Video, YouTube and flickr tools –PageFlakes & others –Self integration Embedding [YT]YT Toolbars [flickr badge]badge

8 Some handy tools Photos –Resize, crop, convert, encode –Adobe Photoshop Pro or Elements –Corel Paint Shop Pro –Gimp (GNU Image Manipulation Program) –iPhoto Videos –Re-edit, convert, add titles, credits & music –Adobe Premiere Pro or Elements –YouTube remixerremixer –iMovie Yer Mac TubeMogul uploaderuploader

9 Statistics Use of content on services –statistics –comments –subscriptions From your web stats –Referrals Other services –TubeMogul

10 Keeping up? with the services & tools? with the issues? with the innovations? the next big thing? Ask …. –your kids –your customers –Google Read …. –the newspaper [grauniad]grauniad –blogs Mashable

11 Thank you! & something sillysilly to end Gill Hamilton

12 YouTube loader [back]back

13 Tube Mogul [back]back loads videos to upto 12 services tracks & compares usage metadata once to many sites no automated means to load metatdata

14 flickr uploadr [back]back

15 flickr badge [back]back

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