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Southern Africa Group Represented Countries Malawi South Africa Zambia Mozambique Moderator: Nalishebo Meebelo.

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Presentation on theme: "Southern Africa Group Represented Countries Malawi South Africa Zambia Mozambique Moderator: Nalishebo Meebelo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Southern Africa Group Represented Countries Malawi South Africa Zambia Mozambique Moderator: Nalishebo Meebelo

2 Indicators 1. Number of funding programmes/ projects –Pooled funding –MDTFs –Reduction in fragmented programmes 2. Institutional structures exist –Inclusive –Regular –Joint planning –Joint sector review process, eg. Joint supervision 3. Existing M&E system

3 Actions 1. Joint M& E 2. Joint planning and reviews 3. Supporting an institutional process that has leadership and management 4. Pooled funding mechanism (transparency, tracking 5. Predictable consistent policies and regulations that attract private sector participation 6. Need to continue to push the envelope on flexibility -Around partnership modalities -Attribution -Ease constraints of the above

4 Inclusive structures 1. Establishment/ strengthening of agribusiness chambers - Farmers’ unions (enhance their participation) 2. Establish/ strengthen Platforms for PS dialogue - Communication between government, donor and PS 3. Changing mindsets of stakeholders - Government - Private sector - CS 4. Building trust

5 Constraints to leadership 1.No policy framework addressing donor funding at national, regional and continental levels - Ministry engages upto implementation 2. Change of leadership in planning cycle is a risk

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