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NEPAD PLANNING AND COORDINATING AGENCY _____________________________________ The AU-NEPAD Capacity Development Strategic Framework - An Overview Twelfth.

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Presentation on theme: "NEPAD PLANNING AND COORDINATING AGENCY _____________________________________ The AU-NEPAD Capacity Development Strategic Framework - An Overview Twelfth."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEPAD PLANNING AND COORDINATING AGENCY _____________________________________ The AU-NEPAD Capacity Development Strategic Framework - An Overview Twelfth session of the Regional Coordination Mechanism of UN Agencies and Organizations working in Africa in Support of the African Union and its NEPAD Programme (RCM-Africa) Dr. Ibrahim Assane Mayaki CEO, NEPAD Agency Addis Ababa, November 2011

2 Africas common reference for capacity development A diagnostic tool to identify needs and address systemic, organizational and individual capacity challenges; Overall the CDSF, as a regional approach: 1.Addresses deep systemic capacity constraints at all levels & strategically places knowledge as capacity for action; 2.Aims to transform development practice through integrating CD into sector and thematic interventions; 3.Tackles implementing capacities for regional programs/projects; 4.Strengthening of public/private sector institutions (CSOs, Universities) including empowerment of citizens for voice and accountability CDSF as Africas Common Approach to CD

3 6 CDSF Cornerstones and Africas CD priorities to capitalize on Africas resourcefulness; Africas Development and CD Response CDSF Leadership Transformation Citizen Transformation Evidence-Based knowledge and Innovation Utilizing African potentials, skills and resources Capacity of Capacity Developers Integrated Planning and Implementation for Results

4 APDev: A physical and virtual platform for Africas development stakeholders Development Effectiveness Aid Effectiveness South-South Cooperation Capacity Development A space for knowledge sharing and collaboration on: 123

5 So, what is APDev? …… With CD as core …… it is …. A multi- stakeholder forum An African-country-led mechanism with an active role for RECs An integrated community of practice A knowledge base & mutual learning hub A network for knowledge, policy & practice links

6 Given the centrality of CD, AUC and NEPAD are spearheading a process to develop RECs-CD Support Program : RECs capacity to deliver on Africas priority programs/projects; Bold shift to institutional transformation (CD) away from conventional training (Capacity Building); Aligning Development Partners CD practice & approaches with CDSF; Nurturing capacities of RECs to promote SSC best practices in Africa; AU CD Support Programme for RECs

7 Capacity Development and AU-UN partnership 7 UN institutions key partners in advancing Africas CD priorities through the CDSF and APDev Enhancing capacities at the national, regional and continental level Stronger coordination and coherence of UN engagement around African priorities and initiatives, particularly AU defined sector policy frameworks (CAADP, PIDA,...)

8 Join The Africa Platform for Development Effectiveness (APDev) Inspiring change for development results

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