Welcome to Mrs. Bunag’s 3 rd grade rainforest! We are creating a Canopy of Success!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Bunag’s 3 rd grade rainforest! We are creating a Canopy of Success!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Bunag’s 3 rd grade rainforest! We are creating a Canopy of Success!

2 A little about me… I graduated from FSU!!! Go NOLES!!! I’ve been teaching in Hillsborough County for 6 years. This is my 4 th year at Oak Grove teaching 3 rd grade. I’m married and have two boys of my own!

3 Oak Grove Vision & Mission Vision: For all students to excel to their highest potential in their pursuit of excellence. Mission: In order to achieve our vision, we will work to nurture a caring environment, motivating staff and students to work as a community always in the pursuit of excellence.

4 Classroom Policies School Rules + Student Created Classroom Family Rules Any change in the way a student goes home OR in who is picking them up requires a note! Recognition for On Task Behavior/ Good Choices: – Bingo Board – Fill A Bucket! – Classroom Economy

5 We are partners in your child’s education!!! Communication is the key!! STAR BINDER: – Planner – Quality student expectations – Homework folder – Oak Grove Folder – Data Tracking

6 What I teach : Reading Writing Science Social Studies Math (Mrs. Nar)

7 Things you might not know about 3 rd grade: Grades will be given using A, B, C, D, U Grades will be determined holistically using formal, informal assessments and anecdotal notes Students will be marked OL, BL, AL in Reading & Math The FCAT will be given for Reading & Math Field trips

8 READING This is the main focus for 3 rd grade!! Our curriculum is the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards. We follow the Reader’s Workshop Daily. On level for the 1 st 9 weeks = instructional level 28 - 30 On level for the 2 nd 9 weeks and the rest of the year = instructional level 30 – 38 The goal is to have each student reading at least at an instructional level 38 by the end of the year in fluency, expression & comprehension !!!

9 Reading Continued Students have many opportunities to read books on their level at school: – Oak Grove Library – RP Testing

10 Writing Students will be formally assessed monthly using the Oak Grove Writes. Scores can range from U, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Our goal is to have students leaving 3 rd grade writing at a level 4. Elaboration: Stick, Stay & Stretch!!!! Students will write daily about whatever topic they choose.

11 Science Students will explore the nature of science, physical science, earth and space science and life science. Our curriculum is the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Your student will participate in lots of hands- on, individual & group projects. Each student will participate in the Science Fair!

12 Social Studies This subject can be infused into reading or the other subjects. Our curriculum is the Sunshine State Standards!

13 FCAT All students will take the FCAT in reading & math in 3 rd grade. FCAT is scored on a scale of 1 – 5. In order to promote to 3 rd grade, your student must pass the FCAT reading test. This means, if they score a level 1 they will be retained in 3 rd grade.

14 FCAT HELP!!! Everyday we are teaching the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards, which the FCAT is based on. SuccessMaker – morning Computer Lab FCAT Explorer SES RTI I-station

15 Homework Homework will be given each night Monday - Friday!!! Each day will include: – Reading – Math – 30 minutes independent reading

16 Our Classroom Website – check it out!! http://oakgrove.mysdhc.org/teacher/3161bunag/ There are TONS of resources here including: * access to weekly homework sheet * access to Online Reading Book * access to My Capstone Library * links to FCAT Explorer * links to other helpful tips

17 A bit about differentiation: Small group instruction Remediation & Enhancement Homework Computer programs

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