Service Excellence Yes…and then some! The McNair Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Service Excellence Yes…and then some! The McNair Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Service Excellence Yes…and then some! The McNair Group

2 …a tire story

3  Our Facilities  Appearance of our people  Service Attitude of our people  Our treatment of each other

4  Divide into small groups  Discuss your best and worst service stories (outside of MUSC)  List 3 top traits or events (be specific) that created the exceptional (and then some!) or horrible service. Be prepared to share The McNair Group

5  Rude  Indifferent Yes…and then some!  Exceptional = Yes…and then some! The McNair Group

6  Rude -- 5%  Indifferent – 80%  Exceptional = Yes…and then some! – 15%  What are the %’s in your area?

7  “Very Satisfied” are six times more likely to return, refer others to you, and/or to use other services within F&A!!!  68% of customers don’t return because of service The McNair Group

8 a fish tale…

9  In 7 seconds of contact, a customer forms 11 impressions about you and your department  And..they make 1 of 3 decisions:  They like you  They dislike you  They are indifferent The McNair Group

10 Bland  OK  Sure  Yeh  I’ll check on it  I think so  I’ll see if we can Yes…and then some!  Absolutely!  I can help you with that!  You’ve come to the right place!  We can take care of everything you need!

11 What is your ZONE? Commit to 10/5! The McNair Group

12 The “ESEE” Approach  E ye Contact  S mile  E ngage  E mpathize The McNair Group

13 Words = ____ Tone = ____ Physical Presence = ____ The McNair Group

14  Reliability -- Consistency & follow-thru  Responsiveness -- Anticipate needs  Feeling Valued -- “We appreciate you”  Empathy -- Understanding their side  Competency -- Knowing our jobs  Dealing with ONE person The McNair Group

15  Reliability  Responsiveness  Feeling Valued  Empathy: understanding their side  Competency  Dealing with ONE person

16 Serving PEOPLEYes!OKMissedRank 1,2,3,4,5 NOTES A. First Impressions 10/5 Rule 5 Eye Contact 5 Smile 3 Introduce self 0 B. Gathering Info Listened Well 4 Key Fact Find 3 Note Taking 0 C. Review/Respond Restate Name 0 Yes! Key Words 3 Empathy 1 Smile Continues 3 D. Renewal Resolved Need 4 “And then some” 0 Thank You 3 Personal Close 3 E. Total Score 37 of 75 = 49%

17  Where is your Guage?  Billy Graham makes someone’s day The McNair Group


19  Commit to two things that you will do to step up your personal level of service  Give these commitments to your supervisor  Keep your Blue Dot! The McNair Group

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