“You are the temple of the living God” (2 Co.6:16) Dwell in them, Lv.26:11 Walk among them, Lv.26:12 Be their God; be My people, Lv.26:12 Come out from.

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Presentation on theme: "“You are the temple of the living God” (2 Co.6:16) Dwell in them, Lv.26:11 Walk among them, Lv.26:12 Be their God; be My people, Lv.26:12 Come out from."— Presentation transcript:

1 “You are the temple of the living God” (2 Co.6:16) Dwell in them, Lv.26:11 Walk among them, Lv.26:12 Be their God; be My people, Lv.26:12 Come out from among them, Is.52:11 Do not touch what is unclean, Ex.20:34 I will be a Father to you, 2 Sm.7:14

2 Motivation, 2 Co.7:1 Therefore, having these promises… Cleanse ourselves. 1 Jn.1:7 From all filthiness. Rv.3:4; 14:4; 1 Co.8:7 –Of flesh. Ga.5:16-17 –And spirit. 1 Co.6:20; Ep.2:3; 1 Th.5:23 –Perfecting holiness. Hb.12:14; 1 Th.3:13 –In fear of God. 2 Co.5:11

3 Accusations? (2 Co.7:2) Wronged (Mt.20:13). Foul play –Moses, Nu.16 –Samuel, 1 Sm.12 Corrupted (by financial ruin or erron- eous teaching or immorality) Cheated –To exploit the church to one’s own advantage; material increase at their expense (2:11; 12:17-18)

4 What God Has Done (7:6-7) Comforted Paul by coming of Titus, 6 Comforted Titus by Corinthians, 7a Comforted Paul by Corinthians, 7b –Earnest desire (for Paul to come and for his approval?) –Mourning (for sin; hurting Paul) –Zeal for me (6:11-13)

5 Sorrow and Regret (7:8) Paul made them sorry, 8 –By means of letter, epistle, 8 Temporary sorrow, 8 (Hb.12:10-11) Paul did not regret it, 8 –Mt.21:29, 32; 27:3-5; Hb.7:21 –Did not regret effects of writing Paul did regret it, 8 –Regretted necessity of writing

6 Sorrow and Rejoicing (7:9) Inspiration did not include his anxieties –How would they receive his rebukes? He does not rejoice over their sorrow He rejoices over sorrow that leads to repentance –There is no painless repentance Godly sorrow: as God would wish, in His way. Ps.51:17 –Their pain left a blessing

7 Sorrow and Repentance (7:10) Godly sorrow → Repentance → Salvation Repentance: –Directed toward God –Produced by gospel –No regrets –Salvation Worldly sorrow → Death –Self pity…does not save –Cain; Saul; Ahithophel; Caiaphas…

8 Fruits of Repentance (7:11) Diligence: eagerness (to set things right?) Clearing: to clear themselves Indignation: because of lax discipline Fear: 1 Co.4:21 Vehement desire: to have Paul w. them? Zeal: aggressive action to finish the task? Vindication: to see justice done and a wrong righted

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