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JRC support to the TACIS program P. Daures Presentation to the CEA/DAM IPSC, January 17, 2006

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Presentation on theme: "JRC support to the TACIS program P. Daures Presentation to the CEA/DAM IPSC, January 17, 2006"— Presentation transcript:

1 JRC support to the TACIS program P. Daures Presentation to the CEA/DAM IPSC, January 17, 2006

2 JRC support to the TACIS program 1994: TACIS program in nuclear safety DG RELEX program partially dedicated to Nuclear Safeguards and Illicit Trafficking Joint project proposals (JSC) submitted to DG AIDCO Project implementation by JRC Individual projects managed by project leaders Central coordination between JRC and AIDCO TACIS: Technical Assistance to Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

3 JRC support to the TACIS program Exporting JRC’s expertise in Nuclear safety, safeguards and security Recognition as a centre of excellence Institutes infrastructures and facilities Experience, support and collaboration with DG TREN (EURATOM) and IAEA (NPT): Development of techniques, equipment and methodologies On-site assistance Training Evaluation and qualification of Safeguards equipment

4 ULBA VNIITF VNIIA IPPE REA INR JRC support to the TACIS program Past and on-going projects: 7 projects / 3 countries -14.7M€

5 JRC support to the TACIS program 15 projects / 7 countries /30 M€

6 JRC support to the TACIS program RUSSIAN FEDERATION: 7 projects TitleInstituteDescription MayakIPSC Improvement of accountancy and control of hold-up and waste in RT-1 plant at Mayak TEMPESTIPSC Establishment of testing laboratory at VNIIA for certification of NMAC instruments TIDIPSC Development and introduction of modern sealing devices at Minatom’s enterprises BochvarITU Analytical and metrological support on NMAC Andreeva BayIPSC Nuclear material accountancy and control (NMAC) applied to naval spent fuel in North West Russia Kursk NPPIPSC Containment/Surveillance system for RBMK spent fuel storage on Kursk NPP UrSiMRCIPSC Sustainability of UrSiMRC (Training)

7 JRC support to the TACIS program UKRAINE: 2 projects TitleInstituteDescription BorderIPSC Ukrainian border crossing station (Measures of fight against illicit trafficking of nuclear and radioactive material) LaboratoryITU Enhancing the capability for analysis of seized nuclear materials and radioactive substances by the main expert organization of Ukraine

8 JRC support to the TACIS program KAZAKHSTAN: 2 projects TitleInstituteDescription UlbaIPSC Automated data analysis and interpretation for Near Real Time Accountancy at the Ulba Metallurgical Plant LaboratoryITU Enhancing the capability for analysis of seized nuclear materials and radioactive substances by the main expert organization of Kazakhstan

9 JRC support to the TACIS program ARMENIA: 2 projects TitleInstituteDescription Medzamor NPPIPSC Adaptation and commissioning of a computerized NMA system in Armenian NPP Medzamor BorderIPSC Armenian border crossing station (Measures of fight against illicit trafficking of nuclear and radioactive material)

10 JRC support to the TACIS program REGIONAL: 1 multi-country project TitleCountryDescription Illicit trafficking Russia Implementation of measures to combat illicit trafficking of radioactive and nuclear material Ukraine Kazakhstan Moldova Georgia Azerbaidjan

11 JRC support to the TACIS program TitleService (k€)Equipment (k€)Total (k€) Mayak8357001 535 TEMPEST8811 2002 081 TID584400984 Bochvar2 0001 4003 400 Andreeva Bay1 4504 0005 450 Kursk NPP5501 0001 550 UrSiMRC200 Border UA4006001000 Lab UA6004001000

12 JRC support to the TACIS program TitleService (k€)Equipment (k€)Total (k€) Ulba7003001 000 Laboratory6004001 000 Medzamor NPP600 4001 000 Border6004001 000 Illicit trafficking5 4003 6009 000 Total154001480030200

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