Mortals in the Iliad. Happy St. Patrick’s Day Greatest Family of Ireland High Kings Best Generals –Owen Roe O’Neill –Hugh O’Neill.

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Presentation on theme: "Mortals in the Iliad. Happy St. Patrick’s Day Greatest Family of Ireland High Kings Best Generals –Owen Roe O’Neill –Hugh O’Neill."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mortals in the Iliad

2 Happy St. Patrick’s Day Greatest Family of Ireland High Kings Best Generals –Owen Roe O’Neill –Hugh O’Neill

3 Greeks & Trojans Priam & Hekuba Hektor & Andromache Aineias/Aeneas Glaukos/Glaucus Paris/Alexandros Sarpedon Achilles Agamemnon Aias/Ajax, son of Telamon Aias/Ajax, son of Oileus Diomedes Menelaus Odysseus Patroclus

4 Ranking the Greek Heroes Achilles Telamonian Aias, Diomedes, & Patroclus Odysseus Agamemnon, Menelaus, & Oilean Aias

5 Telamonian Ajax Variant Traditions? 2nd Best?

6 Diomedes Aristeia Kleos Klea Special Sight Separate Epic? Trouble ahead?

7 Diomedes & Glaucus Xenia Potlatch Gift exchange

8 Odysseus Wise Counselor Solid Fighter Epic vs. Tragic Reputation “Black Ops” with Diomedes –Dolon –Rhesos

9 Menelaus Brave warrior Key Role in Recovery of Patroclus’ Body Defeats Paris in Single Combat

10 Sparing Helen

11 Lesser Ajax Son of Oileus From Lokris Swiftest after Achilles Fights to save body of Patroclus

12 Ajax defies the gods Not favored by gods –Dung-eater Rape of Cassandra Bonaventura Ginelli Henri Serrur

13 Hector Loved by Zeus Dutiful son Loving Husband to Andromache Father to Astyanax How good a warrior?

14 Despite expressing fear…

15 Andromache & Astyanax

16 Priam & Hecuba Neoptolemus or Pyrrhus

17 Paris Archer Braver than Orlando Bloom… Kills Achilles

18 Sarpedon Son of Zeus Killed by Patroklos

19 Aeneas How good a warrior? Difference in ways gods intervene?

20 Triumph of Achilles? Outside bounds of human society Wrath at Peak

21 Achilles rejoins Humanity

22 Victory by Trickery

23 Fall of Troy

24 Greek Outrages

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