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The Trojan War and Aeneas Heroes, gods, beautiful women, battles, love, betrayal, death, destruction:

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2 The Trojan War and Aeneas Heroes, gods, beautiful women, battles, love, betrayal, death, destruction:

3  I can: ◦ Identify the event of the Trojan War ◦ Recognize the major characters of the Trojan War ◦ Locate Troy on a map ◦ Retell the events of the Trojan War ◦ Retell the quest of Aeneas to found the Roman race

4  1. What were the two groups fighting in the Trojan War?  2. Have you read the Iliad, Odyssey, or Aeneid?  3. Who was the face that launched a thousand ships?  4. Who led each side?  5. Who were the best warriors on each side?  6. Who won the war?  7. What is Achilles weakness?  8. Where is Troy?  9. Who is Aeneas?  10. Why did Odysseus/Ulysses wander 20 years?

5  Greek: ◦ Epic Poems Iliad (covers last year of the ten year war), Odyssey ( Odysseus/Ulysses 20 year trip home)  Both written by Homer ◦ Numerous Plays by Sophocles, Euripides, Aeschylus  Roman: ◦ Epic Poem The Aeneid similar to Iliad and Odyssey but story of a Trojan warrior who escapes from Troy to build a new civilization from the remnants of Troy and which will become the Romans

6  Source as one of Western Cultures first great epics of numerous allusions, themes, archetypes ◦ Still affecting modern literature and film ◦ Helen of Troy ◦ Aeneid national epic of Rome, single most important Latin book ◦ Odyssey, Iliad required reading ◦ Odyssey, face that launched a thousand ships, the wine dark sea, beware of Greeks bearing gifts, Achilles heel/tendon, Trojan Horse, Cassandra…



9  Peleus*Thetis*Jupiter  *Eris/Discordia*Juno *Minerva  *Venus*Mercury ◦ * deity  HelenMenelaus  ClytemnestraAgamemnon

10  Patroclus Achilles  Ulysses/Odysseus Penelope  *DianaIphigenia  Diomedes  BriseisChryseis  Neoptolemus/Pyrrhus  Sinon

11  Priam Hecuba  Paris/Alexander Oenone Cassandra  HectorAndromacheAstyanax  Anchises *Venus Aeneas  Laocoon 

12  TroyHellespontBlack Sea  Mt. IdaAulisSparta  MycenaeScaean GatePalladium  TenedosElysian Fields

13  Role of Troy in Aegean World: trade, horses  Birth of Paris and Prophecy  Wedding of Peleus and Thetis  Judgment of Paris  “Abduction of Helen”  Raising an army  Recruitment Issues: Ulysses, Achilles,

14  Journey to Troy: the troops, Aulis, the sacrifice  The Siege 10 years ◦ The Iliad only the last year; really about the conflict between Agamenon and Achilles, then Achilles and Hector ◦ The girl issue: Apollo. Chryseis, Agamemnon, Achilles, Briseis

15  Achilles the brat  Battlefield incidents ◦ Menelaus and Paris ◦ Diomedes, Athena, Aeneas, Venus, ◦ Hector, Andromache, Astyanax  Achilles still a brat  character of Ulyssess

16  Patroclus, the armor old and new  Death of Hector,  Death of Achilles; Apollo and Paris  Ulysses, Minerva, the horse, Laocoon, Sinon  Fall of Troy, Neoptolemus

17  The Postwar: Helen and Menelaus, Andromache and Neoptolemus and Helenus, Agamemnon and Cassandra meet Clytemnestra, Neoptolemus and Orestes and Hermione,  Voyages of Ulysses and Aeneas


19  Venus Vergil The Aeneid  TrojansGreeks *Troy  Paris*Thrace Anchises  Ascanius*Crete Aeneas  CreusaHarpies/*Strophades  JunoCyclopes Polyphemus  *Carthage Punic War*Sicily  DidoPalinurusAeolus  Mercury*Cumae/Sibyl Neptune  AnnaProsperpinaHector  *Mt. Vesuvius/Lake Avernus

20  *LatiumEvanderEuryalus  LaviniumLatinusEtruscans  Pallas*Alba LongaLavinia  MezentiusLausus*Tiber  TurnusVulcanCamilla  Julius CaesarIulusMisus  Juturna

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