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The Trojan War Chapter 13 Megan Hosie. Eris, goddess of discord Sent gold apple for the fairest All of the goddesses wanted it Hera, Athena, Aphrodite.

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Presentation on theme: "The Trojan War Chapter 13 Megan Hosie. Eris, goddess of discord Sent gold apple for the fairest All of the goddesses wanted it Hera, Athena, Aphrodite."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Trojan War Chapter 13 Megan Hosie

2 Eris, goddess of discord Sent gold apple for the fairest All of the goddesses wanted it Hera, Athena, Aphrodite

3 Zeus sent them to See Paris He judged them not on beauty, but rather who had the greatest bribe.

4 Hera- lord of Europe and Asia Athena- lead the Trojans to victory by destroying Greece Aphrodite- fairest woman in all the world Paris, being a coward, chose Aphrodite.

5 Helen Already promised to Menelaus, king of Sparta

6 Aphrodite brought Paris to Sparta. Well received, won trust Menelaus left for Crete and Paris kidnapped Helen and took her back to Troy.

7 Menelaus declared war on Troy. All of the Greek chieftains responded. All except Odysseus and Achilles

8 Odysseus thought it was a silly cause. Didn’t want to leave home/family Pretended to go mad He was found out, and forced to go with the army.

9 Achilles was kept back by his mother. Fated to die Disguised as a woman Odysseys was sent for him in disguise Achilles was found and went with the army without much convincing. The Greeks set off for Troy.

10 The wind made the journey difficult. Calchas said Artemis was angry. The only way to appease her was for Agamemnon, leader of the Greek army, to kill his daughter, Iphigenia.

11 Agamemnon was upset, but realized what was at steak. He sent for his daughter, saying he had arranged a marriage for her. She died, the north wind stopped.

12 Meanwhile, In Troy… Kind Priam, His Queen Hecuba Son Hector The Trojan Achilles Nobel, brave, yet fated to die

13 The war went on for nine years. It fluctuated as to who was winning. Achilles vs. Agamemnon Agamemnon would not give up Chryseis. Greek army sickened and died due to Apollo.

14 Achilles realized Agamemnon must return Chryseis. Agamemnon took Briseis from Achilles in return. Achilles leaves the Greek army.

15 Meanwhile, in Olympus… The war had reached the gods. Trojans- Aphrodite, Ares, Apollo, Artemis Greeks- Hera, Athena, Poseidon Zeus remained neutral until Theits appealed to him.

16 Zeus, sent a dream to Agamemnon, promising him victory if he attacked Troy. Worst battle yet ensued Paris vs. Menelaus

17 Paris only threw his spear. Menelaus nearly killed Paris. Aphrodite saves him. Menelaus won, and a truce was nearly made.

18 Hera and Athena intervened through Pandarus. The war began again.

19 Ajax and Diomedes Diomedes saw Ares fighting with the Trojans. Diomedes retreated until Hera encouraged him. Ares was injured and fled. The war turned in favor of the Greeks.

20 Desperate, the Queen of Troy was urged to pray to Athena for help. Athena refused. Then, with little help from the gods, the Trojans returned to battle. Hector said his goodbyes.

21 However, Zeus remembered his promise to Thetis. He drove the Greeks back to their ships.

22 Agamemnon was giving up. Odysseus and Patroclus appealed to Achilles to return to the army, but he still refused. They returned to battle and continued to lose until Hera intervened.

23 She seduced Zeus and put him to sleep. He forgot about helping the Trojans. Hector fled the battle. Zeus woke up. Poseidon was forced from the battle. Apollo was sent to revive Hector. Greeks near defeat

24 Patroclus pretended to be Achilles and led his men to battle. He was killed by Hector. Achilles returned to the army with his mother’s consent and the armor of Hephaestus.

25 Achilles faced Hector one on one. Athena was with Achilles. Hector fled. Athena tricked Hector. “Deiphobus” fought with Hector. Hector realized he had been tricked. He was killed.

26 Against Hectors wish, Achilles dragged his body back to the Greek camp. This angered Zeus. Sent Iris to Priam Priam plead with Achilles. Achilles apologized The war ceased for nine days.

27 Sources Hamilton, Edith. Mythology. New York: Grand Central Publishing, 1942 “Apples.” Cartoon. 15 July 2008. 20 Feb 2010/

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