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1 Technical Descriptions Purpose Parts Rewriting.

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1 1 Technical Descriptions Purpose Parts Rewriting

2 Modified from: Gerson & Gerson: Technical Writing, 5th Edition 2 Purpose of Technical Descriptions User ManualHelp reader visualize the product and understand the parts Product Demand Specification Order a piece of equipment of that does not currently exist Sales LiteratureIdentify key specifications of the product; used to market the product Study ReportsReport on problems Design Specs Engineers describe equipment design specifications

3 Modified from: Gerson & Gerson: Technical Writing, 5th Edition 3 Sample: Product Demand Spec

4 Modified from: Gerson & Gerson: Technical Writing, 5th Edition 4 Sample: Sales Literature Spec

5 Modified from: Gerson & Gerson: Technical Writing, 5th Edition 5 Parts of a Technical Description Title Introduction Discussion Conclusion

6 Modified from: Gerson & Gerson: Technical Writing, 5th Edition 6 Title Clearly state the topic of your description Name the piece of equipment or mechanism Give a serial number for identification, if applicable The 3219X2Z Radon Extractor Description of the Standard Bumper Jack The A1 Feed Switch

7 Modified from: Gerson & Gerson: Technical Writing, 5th Edition 7 Introduction Specify and define the mechanism you are describing Explain the mechanisms functions or capabilities List its major components

8 Modified from: Gerson & Gerson: Technical Writing, 5th Edition 8 Introduction, cont. Start with a Technical Definition: The name of the item to be defined The class to which the item belongs The features that differentiate the item from all others in the class Specify and define the mechanism you are describing

9 Modified from: Gerson & Gerson: Technical Writing, 5th Edition 9 Technical definitions … TermClassFeatures Carburetora mixing devicein gasoline engines that blends air and fuel into a vapor for combustion within the cylinders Stressan applied forcethat strains or deforms a body

10 Modified from: Gerson & Gerson: Technical Writing, 5th Edition 10 Technical definitions … TermClassFeatures Fiber opticsa technologythat uses light energy to transmit voices, video images, and data via hair-thin glass fibers The standard bumper jack is a portable mechanism for raising the front or rear of a car through force applied with a lever. The jack enables even a frail person to lift one corner of a 2-ton automobile.

11 Modified from: Gerson & Gerson: Technical Writing, 5th Edition 11 Introduction, cont. The jack consists of a molded steel base supporting a free-standing perpendicular, notched shaft (Figure 1). Attached to the shaft are a leverage mechanism, a bumper catch, and a cylinder for insertion in the jack handle. Except for the main shaft and leverage mechanism, the jack is made to be dismantled. All its parts file neatly in the car’s trunk. The jack operates on a leverage principle. During one normal jacking stroke, the operator’s hand travels 18 inches and the car raises or lowers 3/8 of an inch. Such a device requires many strokes to raise the car off the ground but may prove a lifesaver to a motorist on some deserted road. Explain the mechanisms functions or capabilities

12 Modified from: Gerson & Gerson: Technical Writing, 5th Edition 12 Introduction, cont. List its major components The jack includes five main parts: base, notched shaft, leverage mechanism, bumper catch, and handle. (Figure 1)

13 Modified from: Gerson & Gerson: Technical Writing, 5th Edition 13 Introduction for a simple item Introduction The topic Its function Its components The radon extractor, used to vent harmful radon gases from basements, includes only three pieces of equipment. TopicFunction Components Level of complexity depends on your purpose and audience.

14 Modified from: Gerson & Gerson: Technical Writing, 5th Edition 14 Discussion – Describes the components or parts Use heading and subheadings to itemize and describe the components Use graphics (with call- outs) to help the reader visualize the topic

15 Modified from: Gerson & Gerson: Technical Writing, 5th Edition 15 For each main part…. Size (dimensions) Shape Weight Density Color Identifying number Make/model See samples: Bumper jack, A1 Feed Switch Define each part in terms of: Texture Capacity Material (composition) Subparts Function and relation to adjoining parts Mode of attachment

16 Modified from: Gerson & Gerson: Technical Writing, 5th Edition 16 Component description Word Usage: Quantify using specific, denotative words vs. connotative words DenotativeConnotative 6’5” 2,045 lbs. 200’ L x 300’ H.035 mm Gold Tall Heavy Large Thin Precious metal

17 Modified from: Gerson & Gerson: Technical Writing, 5th Edition 17 Conclusion – Depends on your Purpose SalesImplementation of this product will provide you and your company….. Show UsesAfter implementation, you will be able to use the to …… Provide GuaranteesThe carries a 15-year warranty against parts and labor. Provide Additional information The is reliable in dusty and dirty places.

18 Modified from: Gerson & Gerson: Technical Writing, 5th Edition 18 Editing and Rewriting Revise the rough draft by Adding detail for clarity Deleting dead words and phrases for conciseness Simplifying terms for easy understanding Moving text for emphasis Reformatting for easy access Enhancing the tone Correcting errors for professionalism

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