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When you’re finished, leave the dictionary on your desk and turn to the next blank page and write today’s date in the upper right corner: January 13, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "When you’re finished, leave the dictionary on your desk and turn to the next blank page and write today’s date in the upper right corner: January 13, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 When you’re finished, leave the dictionary on your desk and turn to the next blank page and write today’s date in the upper right corner: January 13, 2014. Created by: Tracy Cole


3 Introductory/lead paragraph invites the reader to explore the topic. Thesis statement found in the introductory/lead paragraph and reveals the overall purpose of the essay. Main Point Body of Essay Supporting details about main point. Concluding paragraph – restates the thesis and offers the reader the opportunity to think more on the topic. Created by: Tracy Cole



6 Model Essay - Prompt Expository Model Essay Set your page up like this (use glue, tape, or staple): Model Essay Prompt on the LEFT page Model Essay on the RIGHT page. Use a sticky note to make a tab that says “EXPOSITORY ESSAY MODEL” Created by: Tracy Cole


8 When you see the word “explaining” that’s the keyword you need to remember to know that it is an EXPOSITORY essay. Created by: Tracy Cole

9 Be sure to – Clearly state your controlling idea Organize and develop your explanation effectively Choose your words carefully Use correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and sentences. This tells you what the grader (person reading your paper) will be looking for. Created by: Tracy Cole

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