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Presentation on theme: "IMPACT ON SPECIAL AND GIFTED EDUCATION Federal Budget 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 Have you sent your letter??? 2

3 Budget Process: 101 1) President Submits Budget to Congress 2) House Passes Budget Resolution 3) Senate Passes its Budget Resolution 4) House and Senate must pass 13 Appropriations bills to fund all government operations 5) Small conference committee finds agreement between H & S, they each pass the final bills and 6) President Signs them 7) Everybody gets their money! 3

4 FY2012 FINAL NUMBERS BUDGET CONTROL ACT 4 Where did we end up in FY 2012?

5 Final FY 2012 Numbers IDEA Part B$11,577,86 Increase of $78 Million IDEA Part B Section 619 $372,645Level IDEA Part C$442,710 Increase $5 Million IDEA Part D$242,508Level Javits$0Eliminated SpEd Research$49.9 millionLevel 13 5

6 6 John Boehner, (R-OH) Speaker of the House John Boehner = Lots of Crying

7 7 President Obama President Obama = Lots of Pizza

8 FY 2012 US DOE Budget 8

9 9 Budget Control Act 2011

10 Budget Control Act Lifted the Debt Ceiling Reduced the deficit in 2 main ways: (1) Capped Discretionary Spending over the next 10 years (2) Told Congress: Cut $1.2 trillion dollars by either  Super Committee Agreement OR  Automatic Spending Cuts =Sequestration 10 WHAT?

11 What is Discretionary Spending? U.S. DOE = 1.32% of total federal budget FY 2010

12 Programs Not Subject to Sequestration Social Security Medicaid CHIP Food Stamps Child Nutrition Veterans Benefits Certain Tax Credits Federal Retirement Benefits Medicare cuts CAPPED LOCKBOX 12

13 SuperCommittee 13 FAILURE

14 New York Times Article 12/5/11 A Democrat involved in the negotiations said: “We made a reasonable offer and got nothing in return. We got naked in the room. Republicans are standing there in overcoats, hats and gloves and are toasty warm.” A Republican aide, said a few days later: “We showed some leg. The Democrats want us to get completely naked.” 14

15 RevenuesInvestment Lower Taxes Cut, Cut, Cut Less Filling! Tastes Great! 15

16 16

17 What do we have now? Sequestration Sequestration = Across the Board Cuts Amount is Approximately 8% - 9%  50% to Defense Programs  50% to Non Defense Discretionary Programs  Includes all of education (except Pell) Set to begin January 2, 2013 17 Sequestration 1-Pager

18 Sequestration’s Impact on Education 18

19 Sequestration Impact on IDEA 2013 Source, NEA 2/2012 19

20 Special Concerns for IDEA Funds will end on January 2, 2013 – right in the middle of the year. Further reducing funding will mean larger class sizes, fewer support personnel, and less support for students. TIMING COMPLIANCE 20

21 21 Fiscal Crisis

22 22

23 CEC/CASE Survey 2012 If Sequestration occurs, survey results indicate: There will be increased strain on the availability of services for students with disabilities. 81% Agree Their district will cut funding for purchase of resources including needed technology. 85% Agree Their district will increase caseload. 77% Agree Their district will reduce professional development. 79% Agree There will be a hiring freeze and/or layoffs. Over 95% Agree 23

24 Bipartisan Policy Center Estimates Sequestration will cause the United States to lose approximately 1 million jobs. 24

25 Special Issues: Special Education Research IDEA Full Funding 25

26 Special Education Research Special Education Research – cut by $20 million in FY2011 – level funded in 2012  New NCSER Commissioner – Deborah Speece  Arrived after the cut  Projects are generated by local communities & universities working together  The funds are not reallocated to parts B or C of IDEA  This was a cut in special education funding and erodes the longstanding federal commitment to individuals with disabilities and their families. 17 26

27 IDEA Full Funding Legislation 27 Get involved!! Senator Harkin (D-IA) and 15 Democratic Co-Sponsors have introduced in the Senate  S. 1403 Representative Polis Defending Special Education Students and Families Act  H. R. 2935

28 H.R. 3578 Keep Our PACT 28 Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) Historic Champion of IDEA Sponsor of Keep our PACT  HR 864  Full Funding for NCLB/ESEA  Full Funding for IDEA Current Ranking Member on the House Budget Comm.

29 Sequestration Full Funding Plunge 14.5%

30 FY 2013 Dear Colleague - Senate Support 30 Shaheen (R-NH) Blumenthal (D-CT) Leahy (D-VT) Kerry (D-MA) Wyden (D-OR) Tester (D-MT) Kohl (R-WI) Franken (D-MN) Tom Udall (D-NM) Bingaman (D-MN) Durbin (D-IL) Begich (D-AK) Schumer (D-NY) Tim Johnson (D-SD) Levin (D-MI) Stabenow (D-MI) Boxer (D-CA) Webb (D-VA) Gillibrand (D-NY) Akaka (D-HI) Sanders (I-VT) Coons (D-DE) Cardin (D-MD) Carper (D-DE) Lautenberg (D-NJ) Rockefeller (D-WV) Merkley (D-OR) Menendez (D-NJ) Reed (D-RI)

31 Minibus??Omnibus?? Shutdown ? Realistic Plans for September 30? 26 31

32 Post Election Fiscal Tsunami Lame Duck session: Perfect Fiscal Storm!  FY 13 appropriations/omnibus  Sequestration hits on 1/2/13  Bush tax cuts expire on 12/31/12  Debt ceiling will need to be raised 32

33 Budget Talking Points 33 Increase Funding for all parts of IDEA  Remember to thank them if they signed the letter!  Thank them if they co-sponsored a bill! Restore and Increase Funding for Special Education Research Consider Impact of Sequestration; Pass a Balanced Budget that Eliminates the Need for Sequestration  Do it soon!!!!!! What should you use in your visits? CEC/CASE Survey Budget Book – highlight success! Research 1 pager You Rock!!!

34 How do you answer the questions like: What should we cut? You say 2 things:  I realize you will have to make tough decisions  For my vote, I urge the Representative/Senator to invest in special and gifted education  Why? Because when we don’t our nation suffers.  Jobs in my district will be lost  Services will cease, class sizes will increase, and  Outcomes over a lifetime decrease and we lose all potential return on investment.

35 Federal Budget - Hopes? Fears? When you argue with reality, you always lose.  Byron Katie 35


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