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Considering Accommodations in State Assessments: 2013-2014 and Beyond Melissa Gholson Office of Assessment and Accountability.

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Presentation on theme: "Considering Accommodations in State Assessments: 2013-2014 and Beyond Melissa Gholson Office of Assessment and Accountability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Considering Accommodations in State Assessments: 2013-2014 and Beyond Melissa Gholson Office of Assessment and Accountability

2 Thinking About Accommodations Where are we now? Where are we going? What’s our plan to get there?

3 WHERE ARE WE NOW? 2014 and Beyond

4 Philosophy & Terminology WV ClassificationSmarter Classification Allowable ResourceUniversal Tool Definition: Subject-specific resources identified as allowable in the Test Administration Manual that are made available to students by a test administrator during a testing event. Allowable resources are not student-specific, and their use does not invalidate test results. Allowable resources are the only resources that districts may give to students during administration of a Statewide Assessment. Definition: Access features that are available to all students based on student preference and selection. Eligibility: Available to all students Restricted ResourceDesignated Support Definition: Any computer-based application, tool, functionality, or a non-electronic resource approved by the Accommodations Panel that does not interfere with the measured construct, but has restricted availability and requires district documentation of individual student need prior to its use. Definition: Features that are available for use by any student (including English language learners, students with disabilities, and English language learners with disabilities) for whom the need has been indicated by an educator or team of educators (with parent/guardian and student input as appropriate). Eligibility: Available to all students based on a determination of individual student need; requires documentation of student need Eligibility: Available only to students for whom an adult or team (consistent with state- designated practices) has indicated the need for these supports (as well as those students for whom the need is documented) Accommodation Definition: A practice or procedure in presentation, response, setting, and timing or scheduling that, when used in an assessment, provides equitable access to all students. State-approved Accommodations do not compromise the learning expectations, construct, grade-level standard, or intended outcome of the assessment. Definition: Changes in procedures or materials that increase equitable access during the Smarter Balanced assessments by generating valid assessment results for students who need them and allowing these students to show what they know and can do. Eligibility: Available to all students based on a determination of individual student needEligibility: Available only for students on an IEP or 504 Plan

5 Smarter Balanced Smarter Balanced website has more specific guidelines on General Accessibility Guidelines ELA Audio Guidelines Mathematics Audio Guidelines ELL Guidelines Signing Guidelines Tactile Guidelines Bias and Sensitivity Guidelines Style Guide


7 Smarter Balanced Universal Tools Available to all Designated Supports Available for Students with LEP, IEP and 504 Plans (ISAAP) Accommodations Available for Students with IEP and 504 plans. Embedded Into the platform Breaks Calculator Digital Notepad English Dictionary English Glossary Expandable Passages Global Notes Highlighter Keyboard Navigation Mark for Review Math Tools Spell Check Strikethrough Writing Tools Zoom Color Contrast/P28 Masking /P37 Text-to-Speech /P01 Translated Test Directions/P30 Translations(Glossary)/P31 Translations (Stacked)/P32 Turn off Any Universal Tools/P33 American Sign Language/P34 Braille/P03 or P35 Closed Captioning/P36 Text-to-Speech/P13 Non- Embedded Provided locally Breaks English Dictionary Scratch Paper Thesaurus Bilingual Dictionary /R15 Color Contrast/P38 Color Overlay/P39 Magnification/P23 Read Aloud/P02 Scribe/R04 Separate Setting/T09 Translations(Glossary)/P41 Abacus/R05 Alternate Response Options/R11 Calculator/R19 Multiplication Table/R20 Print on Demand/P40 Read Aloud/P14 Scribe/R04 Speech-to-Text/R21

8 Construct & Content Access

9 Accommodations Review

10 2013-2014 Participation Guidelines The document includes references to current state policies and procedures. Updated to using the crosswalk

11 Code Summary Exhibit 2.Acceptable Options and Accommodations for Students With Disabilities by WV-MAP Assessment Options and Accommodations Key: AAccommodation allowed WVEIS Code OOption to standard conditions allowed to all students N Not allowed WESTEST 2 RLA Multiple Choice WESTEST 2 RLA Online Writing Mathematics WESTEST 2 Science WESTEST 2 Social Studies ACT EXPLORE ACT PLAN ACT COMPASS APTA Smarter Balanced Presentation P01 Use text to speech, excluding ELA reading passages (Smarter Balanced, WESTEST 2 & NAEP) ANAAANNNMNA P02 Have test read aloud verbatim, excluding passagesANAAAAAAAOA P03 Use braille or other tactile form of printAAA AAA ANNAA P06 Have test presented through sign languageNAAAAAAAAOA P13 Use text to speech, including ELA reading passages (Smarter Balanced–for documented need, grades 6-11) NNNNNNNNNNA P14 Have test read aloud, including passages (Smarter Balanced –for documented need for grades 6-11; students who are blind/low vision grades 3- 11 who do not yet have adequate braille skills) NNNNNNNNNNA

12 Selection of accommodations are documented in the IEP,504 or LEP Accommodations data must be entered into WVEIS system: Online IEP, 504 or LEP Plan Accommodations data must be verified prior to assessment: WVEIS WOW Tab Accommodations data is pulled to identify the appropriate accommodations: WVDE Accommodations provision data is collected, analyzed and reports created: WVS 326 Process The Accommodations Process

13 Transition Plan Review the changes to accommodations Determine if we use an existing code or if a new code is necessary Review accommodations changes for the transition online. Review and consider Smarter Balanced field test accommodations Select Smarter Balanced accommodations for all IEP’s Make sure the appropriate accommodations are finalized into the Online IEP. Data entry for IEP will upload accommodations into WVEIS accommodations app

14 Assuring Accommodations Training on the new accommodations Directions on adding accommodations to the Online IEP. The Online IEP must be “finalized” if we are able to obtain the accommodations information for systems reporting. Principals review the accommodations prior to each state assessment The accommodations must be verified by the case manager at each school or the teacher assigned to have the most current IEP information for verification on the WVS.326 The information on the WVS 326 form is populated directly from the data entered on the Online IEP. The accommodations provision during the assessment is documented on the WVS.326 form. The WVS.326 data is reported to districts and fed back to the IEP team.

15 Accommodations Checklist Identify accommodations changes for each assessment (WESTEST 2 Online including Online Writing and Smarter Balanced Field Test). Emphasize the collection dates. Review IEP’s, 504’s and LEP’s for any changes necessary regarding changes for accommodations. Conduct any amendments or IEP meetings for students to be eligible to receive the appropriate accommodation prior to collection dates. Districts must verify and record each student who receives accommodations. This means the Online IEP must be “finalized”.


17 P01 Use text to speech, excluding ELA reading P02Have test read aloud NEW Human reader Listen to recorded voice through headset Guidance: Understanding the difference between P01 and P02 for the WESTEST2

18 Enlarge Text P22 Enlarge text on a screen Description: Screen-enlarging software may involve the use of enlarged computer monitors or computers with screen-enlargement programs. Some students use closed- circuit television to enlarge print and display printed material with various image enhancements on a screen. When to select: For students who are visually impaired, and for whom computer screen adjustment is the typical mode of accessing onscreen written material.

19 High Contrast P28Use high contrast for online assessments Allowed for: Smarter Balanced, WESTEST 2 and Online Writing, ACT COMPASS, NAEP, and other computer based assessments. Description: Enable students to adjust screen background or font color, based on student needs or preferences. This may include reversing the colors for the entire interface or choosing the color of font and background. Reverse contrast turns the screen from white to black and creates text in white. When to select: For students who have vision or perception difficulties and use this accommodation instructionally. Students with attention difficulties may need this support for viewing test content. It also may be needed by some students with visual impairments or other print disabilities (including learning disabilities). Choice of colors should be informed by evidence that color selections meet the student’s needs.

20 What about the other codes? Smarter Balanced does not provide/allow for P06, P15, P16,P17, P18, P19, P24,P25, P26,P27,P29, R02, R13, R16, R17, R18, T03,T04, T07 P21-screen reading software-Smarter is compatible with JAWS and Window Eyes P22-universal zoom is provided to all

21 Smarter Balanced Reading Supports P01 Use text to speech, excluding ELA reading passages (Smarter Balanced & NAEP) P02Have test read aloud (All WV-MAP tests excluding Smarter Balanced ELA reading passages, WESTEST 2 RLA/Online Writing, ACT COMPASS Writing Skills and NAEP Reading) P13Use text to speech, including ELA reading passages (Smarter Balanced –for documented need, grades 6-11) P14Have test read aloud, including passages (Smarter Balanced –for documented need for grades 6-11; students who are blind/low vision grades 3-11 who do not yet have adequate braille skills)

22 Documented Need: P13

23 Smarter Balanced P03Use contracted braille or tactile graphics (All WV-MAP tests excluding NAEP computer-based) P23 Use a magnifying device to enlarge assessment material P28Use high contrast on screen (Smarter Balanced, WESTEST 2 and Online Writing, ACT COMPASS,NAEP, and other computer based assessments) P33Turn off any universal tools (Smarter Balanced) P34Use embedded American Sign Language (Smarter Balanced – for ELA listening and math items only ) P35Use non-contracted braille and tactile graphics (Smarter Balanced) P36Use closed captioning (Smarter Balanced – for ELA listening and NAEP) P37Use masking (Smarter Balanced)

24 Smarter Balanced P38Use color contrast (Smarter Balanced – in conjunction with print on demand) P 39Use color overlays (Smarter Balanced – in conjunction with print on demand) P40Use print on demand (Smarter Balanced) P41 Provide translations glossary (Smarter Balanced ELL only for paper pencil version) R04 Indicate responses to a scribe R05Use an abacus (Smarter Balanced, WESTEST 2 Mathematics and Science, APTA, ACT COMPASS Mathematics, ACT EXPLORE and PLAN)

25 Smarter Accommodations R11Use computer or other assistive technology device to respond (Alternate response options)(All WV-MAP tests) R19Use calculator (Smarter Balanced –for students needing a special calculator, e.g. braille or talking) R20 Use multiplication table (Smarter Balanced) R21Use Speech to Text (Smarter Balanced) T09Provide separate setting (Smarter Balanced)

26 Smarter Balanced ELL Only P30 Provide translated test directions (ELL Smarter Balanced – for math items only) P31 Provide translations glossary (ELL Smarter Balanced – for math items only) P32Provide translations stacked (ELL Smarter Balanced – for math items only) R15Use a bilingual word-to-word dictionary (All WV-MAP and Smarter Balanced ELA- performance task full writes excluding WESTEST 2 RLA and Online Writing, ACT COMPASS Writing Skills and NAEP Reading and Writing)


28 State Accommodations Monitoring Policies West Virginia Policies: 2340, 2419, 2417 provide guidance for accommodations for students with IEP, 504 and LEP plans. All required district and state assessments must provide accommodations monitoring using the WVS.326 Process. Students should always receive the accommodations identified in their plans for other assessments. Individual accommodations data is archived in the West Virginia Education Information System (WVEIS). 28

29 Accommodations Data System Online accommodations documentation that updates on a daily delta The development of an accommodations application that allows districts and schools to obtain accommodations data daily Electronic monitoing

30 Prior to Testing: Verification Follow the steps outlines in the Participation Guidelines. Accommodations are verified: WVEIS accommodations are compared to current IEP Assessment decisions are made prior to testing. The only way to change the listed accommodation(s) is by holding an appropriate IEP meeting/addendum.


32 Accommodations Application

33 Your County/School


35 Accommodations Provision and Monitoring: The WVS.326 Process The WVS.326 form will be provided for all WV-MAP assessments. One form will be provided for each student who should receive accommodations. WVS. 326 video 6/ 6/

36 WVS.326 The WVS.326 form includes all the accommodations changes All pre-slugging and data entry one side-no flipping back and forth between pages Directions on the back side Process is the same All information about accommodations and the WVS. 326 process is included in the Participation Guidelines.

37 WVS 326 State and District Accommodations Report Provision of accommodations data by content area 7 reports were generated for each content area to summarize (1) provision rate, (2) refusal rate, (3) not allowable rate, and (3) number of students over- accommodated – State, district, school-level reports – Intended uses of these data – Set specific targets for provision rates – Identify common errors to inform your training – Eliminate under- and over-accommodation

38 WVS. 326 Accommodations Reporting 1. Count of Students with Accommodation This report provides the total number of students with the accommodation listed on the front of the 326 form (this number serves as the denominator for all rate calculations in reports 2 – 6). 2. Provision Rate This report provides the percentage of students with the accommodation for whom the accommodation was marked “provided.” 3. Not Allowed Rate This report provides the percentage of students with the accommodation for whom the accommodation was marked “not provided” and the “not allowed” code was provided in the reason field. 4. Refusal Rate This report provides the percentage of students with the accommodation for whom the accommodation was marked “not provided” and the “refused” code was provided in the reason field. 5. Not Provided (no reason indicated) This report provides the percentage of students with the accommodation for whom the accommodation was marked “not provided” but no reason code was provided. 6. Not Provided (blank) This report provides the percentage of students for whom no information was provided on whether or not the accommodation was provided. 7. Count of Students Over- accommodated This report provides the number of students who do not have the accommodation listed in the pre-slug file, but for whom the accommodation was marked “provided.”

39 State Reports

40 District Reports

41 Why do we have to improve? “It is not enough to have a list of available accommodations. Rather, accommodations must be used for instruction and assessment, they must be monitored, and they must be used appropriately so that scores are valid and provide information about a student’s knowledge and skills”. (NCEO, 2012)

42 Resources Identify the universal tools available (Testing Administration Manuals) and practice available Make good decisions about who should be receive support and accommodations Participation GuidelinesParticipation Guidelines Accommodations checklists Smarter Balanced Accommodations Guidelines Smarter Balanced Practice Tests PARCC

43 Questions? Melissa Gholson


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