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BCS Coursework Face to Face Communication Source: Bill Owens & Lis Rogers, GCSE Business & Communication Systems, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "BCS Coursework Face to Face Communication Source: Bill Owens & Lis Rogers, GCSE Business & Communication Systems, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 BCS Coursework Face to Face Communication Source: Bill Owens & Lis Rogers, GCSE Business & Communication Systems, 2005.

2 Face to Face Communication

3 Face to Face Communication A dvantages It allows immediate feedback to be received about the message. Promotes the development of ideas and prompts further discussion on the message. Information can be spread quickly amongst a group of people and they will be given the same message, for example at a meeting. It can encourage greater involvement and co- operation as others in a group may be influenced by their colleagues.

4 Face to Face Communication Disadvantages People attending a meeting may be unskilled in techniques of communication or be unwilling to communicate with others. Non-verbal communication such as body language may create a barrier to effective communication. Not everyone will interpret the message in the same way. There may be no written record of the communication.

5 Barriers to good communication Skills Jargon The medium Breakdown of the medium of communication Wrong target The wording of the message

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