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The Minor Parties 12th Grade U.S. Government Created by: Jessica Peabody Begin.

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Presentation on theme: "The Minor Parties 12th Grade U.S. Government Created by: Jessica Peabody Begin."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Minor Parties 12th Grade U.S. Government Created by: Jessica Peabody Begin

2 Learning Objectives and Standards By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to identify the types of minor parties and give examples with 90% accuracy. Tennessee State Standard 6.3- The student will understand he evolution of political parties and their roles as a mechanism for creating and sustaining political participation Click Here to Go to the Tutorial

3 Directions Use the following buttons to navigate the tutorial: Will take you to the next slide Will take you to the previous slide Will take you to the main menu Will take you back to these directions Will take you to the quiz

4 Main Menu Splinter Party Economic Protest Party Ideological Party Single Issue Party Why Minor Parties Matter

5 Ideological Party An ideological party is one that is based on a specific set of beliefs Many ideological parties are based on the work of Karl Marx, but not all are.

6 Ideological Party Although ideological parties do not usually win many votes, they tend to stay around for a long time. Examples of ideological parties are the Communist Party, the Socialist Party and the Libertarian Party.

7 Economic Protest Party An economic protest party is one that does not have an ideological base, but rather expresses discontent with the current economic conditions. They have historically criticized the major parties and protested for better times, often blaming real or imaginary enemies.

8 Economic Protest Party The economic protest parties usually disappear once the hard times are over. Most economic protest parties have come from the American South and West. Examples are the Greenback Party (1876- 1884) and the Populist Party (1890’s)

9 Single Issue Party A single issue party tends to focus on one part of public policy. They usually take their names from they issue they represent.

10 Single Issue Party Single issue parties are often short lived because the issue is no longer relevant or one of the major parties picks up the issue as part of its platform. Examples of single issue parties are the Free Soil Party (against the spread of slavery in the 1840’s and 1850’s) and the modern Right to Life Party (against abortion).

11 Splinter Party Splinter parties were once a part of one of the major parties. Splinter parties tend to form around a single person, usually one that did not win the nomination of the party.

12 Splinter Party Most of the prominent minor parties have been splinter parties. Splinter parties often disappear because the person they support rejoins the major party. Examples of splinter parties are the Progressive “Bull Moose” Party (Theodore Roosevelt), the States’ Rights “Dixiecrat” Party (Henry Wallace) and the American Independent Party (George Wallace).

13 Why Minor Parties Matter Minor Parties have had an impact on American politics even though their support is usually low and have never won an election. They have brought issues to light during campaigns, pulled votes from the major parties in a spoiler role, and have set precedents for the major parties. For examples, minor parties were the first to hold primaries.

14 Summary Minor parties are important even if they usually do not win elections. The four types of minor parties are ideological, economic protest, single issue and splinter parties. Ideological parties tend to stay around the longest. Minor parties bring up issues that the major parties may not be focused on and can play a role in deciding who is elected by pulling votes away from the major parties during elections.

15 Quiz We’ve learned so much today about minor parties. Let’s see how you do in a little quiz on what you have read… Begin Quiz

16 Question 1 A party is a party based on a system of beliefs. 1.IdeologicalIdeological 2.Economic protestEconomic protest 3.SplinterSplinter 4.Single issueSingle issue

17 Great Job! Next Question

18 Try Again Go Back

19 Question 2 The Green back Party is an example of a (an) party. 1.Single issueSingle issue 2.Economic protestEconomic protest 3.IdeologicalIdeological 4.SplinterSplinter

20 Wonderful! Next Question

21 Uh-Oh! Go Back

22 Question 3 These parties are based around one strong personality. 1.Single issueSingle issue 2.IdeologicalIdeological 3.SplinterSplinter 4.Economic protestEconomic protest

23 Super ! Next Question

24 Almost Go Back

25 Question 4 These parties are short lived because their issues are absorbed by major parties. 1.IdeologicalIdeological 2.SplinterSplinter 3.Economic protestEconomic protest 4.Single issueSingle issue

26 You Got It! Next Question

27 Oops! Go Back

28 Question 5 A party tends to stay around for a long time. 1.IdeologicalIdeological 2.Economic protestEconomic protest 3.Single issueSingle issue 4.SplinterSplinter

29 Yes! Next Question

30 You’re so close! Go Back

31 Question 6 Most of these parties come from the American South and West. 1.SplinterSplinter 2.Economic protestEconomic protest 3.Single issueSingle issue 4.IdeologicalIdeological

32 Awesome Job! Next Question

33 Not Quite, Try Again. Go Back

34 Question 7 The Free Soil Party is a party. 1.IdeologicalIdeological 2.Single issueSingle issue 3.Economic protestEconomic protest 4.SplinterSplinter

35 Correct! Next Question

36 Sorry! Go Back

37 Question 8 The “dixiecrats” were members of a party. 1.SplinterSplinter 2.Single issueSingle issue 3.Economic protestEconomic protest 4.IdeologicalIdeological

38 Oh Yeah! Exit Quiz

39 Oh No! Go Back

40 Great Job!

41 Resources Content from: Magruder's American Government. -Chapter 4: Minor Parties Graphics courtesy of: Microsoft Office Clip art gallery Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia: The American Presidency- Arcadio Esquivel, La Prensa, Panama, University of Illinois Department of History: Comparative Working-Class History Boston University Department of Economics: Stories About Gold and Silver- Luke Beata: Free Silver er_lg.htm er_lg.htm

42 Final Thoughts Minor parties have played a huge role historically in American politics and still have a role today. Can you think of any minor parties that are impacting the upcoming elections?

43 Congratulations! You Did Great Today!

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