The Victorian Preceptor Program and continued nurse quality By Sandy Anderson.

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2 The Victorian Preceptor Program and continued nurse quality By Sandy Anderson

3 Nurses practice in cervical screening Currently there are 364 credentialled nurse Pap test providers in Victoria. Currently there are 108 registered Victorian Preceptors

4 Course options Accredited nurse training courses are currently provided by: Family Planning Victoria Melbourne Sexual Health Centre Melbourne University, The Department of General Practice.

5 Victorian Preceptorship Program Highlights since late 2006 Surveyed credentialled nurses Development of the joint Victorian Clinical Assessment Document VPP courses and PSV MOU developed First VPP preceptor PD held 28 April 2007 Ongoing consultation with current preceptors and keeping them informed New preceptor PD was held on Friday 14 September

6 VPP 2008 Finalised registration of the current preceptors Preceptor and organisational agreement developed and distributed for signing Preceptor Pack developed and distributed PSV website find or become a preceptor VPP Preceptor PD planned for 14 November 2008 Recognition of registered Victoria Preceptors through credentialling process Second VPP MOU between courses and PSV being signed

7 VPP 2009 Continue with Recruitment Plan Preceptor support Review Clinical Assessment Document Preceptor evaluation

8 PapScreen Website


10 Percentage of nurses’ Pap tests Summary from Evaluation of Pap tests taken by nurses in Victoria during 2007, Cathryn Wharton, Victorian Cervical Cytology Registry, March 2008.

11 Nurse Practice Types – 2007 Practice typeNo of nurses % of Pap test by practice type General Practice9040.8% Community Health 9835.5% Women’s Health74.0% Sexual Health366.1% Hospital & dysplasia clinic 3713.6% Total268100%

12 Nurse Practice Types – 2007 (2006) Practice typeNo of nurses % of Pap test by practice type General Practice90 (66)40.8% (31.1%) Community Health98 (91)35.5% (40.9%) Women’s Health7 (6)4.0% (4.6%) Sexual Health36 (35)6.1% (6.8%) Hospital & dysplasia clinic 37 (38)13.6% (16.6%) Total268 (236)100% (100%)

13 DHS Region% screened 2005- 2006 (2004-2005) Barwon South Western62.5% (65%) Eastern Metropolitan66.9% (68%) Gippsland60.8% (64%) Hume64.4% (67%) Loddon Mallee61.5% (63%) North West Metropolitan 61.6% (63%) Southern Metropolitan61.6% (68%) Grampians58.4% (61%)

14 Nurse endocervical component rates

15 Nurse are doing it better 15.0% of Pap test collected by nurses were from women aged 60 -69 years compared to 9.9% for all Victorian providers 25.0% of Pap tests taken by nurses are for women who it has been at least 2.5 years since their last test, compared to 20.8% for all Victorian providers. 26.5% of Pap tests taken by nurses are for women who it has been less than 2 years since their last test, compared to 35.2% for all Victorian providers.

16 Proportion of Pap tests collected by nurses in 2007 by DHS region GRAMPIANS 8.5% LODDON MALLEE 15.5% HUME 6.7% GIPPSLAND 8.4% BARWON SOUTH WESTERN 5.1% NORTH WEST METRO 2.6% SOUTHERN METRO 1.1% EASTERN METRO 1.1%


18 The PapScreen team Kate Broun PapScreen Manager Peta Reynolds Aboriginal Education Program Coordinator Michelle Cook & Hiranthi Perera Community Programs Project Officers Clare Price Media and Communications Coordinator Sandy Anderson Nurse Consultant

19 Credentialling Secretariat Sandy Anderson PapScreen Victoria Phone: 0407 190 207 Email: Royal College of Nursing, Australia Helen Morrison or Anne Agnew Phone: 1800 061 660 Email:

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