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Year 9 Options Evening Welcome! The aim of this evening is to clarify the options process, the types of qualifications offered and some of the terminology.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 9 Options Evening Welcome! The aim of this evening is to clarify the options process, the types of qualifications offered and some of the terminology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 9 Options Evening Welcome! The aim of this evening is to clarify the options process, the types of qualifications offered and some of the terminology involved.

2 Year 9 Options Compulsory Subjects Compulsory subjects account for 3/5 of the curriculum (16 lessons)

3 E-Bacc or not? The E-Bacc (English Baccalaureate) is a recognition of “C” grade or higher in GCSE: English(Compulsory) Maths(Compulsory) Science (2 or 3)(Compulsory) A Language (Early entry or Optional) History or Geography(Optional) What does it mean?

4 It’s not an “extra” qualification, just a recognition of “C” grade or better in those subjects No local FE colleges or 6 th forms require it for entry to their courses No HE universities state it in their entry requirements (see Russell Group informed choices document) MFL at GCSE is generally only a requirement for an English degree but check this out if you know now what you want to do. Our advice therefore is still to pick the subjects which give you the best chance of the best grades We know that:

5 What can I choose? Boys PE Girls PE Food Technology Engineering ICT Spanish Product Design – Fashion Product Design – Hard Materials Geography History Film Studies Art Photography Music Drama Computer Science Biology Geography History Spanish

6 Science Triple Science Double Award Science Both courses include the study of Biology, Chemistry and Physics BiologyChemistry Physics

7 New GCSEs New GCSEs are being introduced in English and Maths in September 2015

8 Advice for Students 1.Choose the subjects you are likely to do best in. Use your current levels and the feedback you have had from your teachers to guide you 2.Don’t make a choice just because you like the teacher. That teacher may well not be taking the group you end up in 3.Be realistic about your strengths and weaknesses and accept realistic advice about the type of course you choose. 4.Above all don’t choose a subject because your friend is doing it! There is no guarantee you’ll end up in the same class!

9 Let us guide you! We can guide you to courses which we know will offer your children the very best chances of achieving the best grades. Vocational options offer the best progression routes for some students. New qualification guidelines, however, make vocational subjects less suitable for some students.

10 Options Interviews You and your children are offered an options interview with a senior member of staff to explore the best choices for the best grades. These interviews will take place with either Mr Rimmer, Mr Fiddler, Mr Klinck or Mrs Knowles. They will take pace between February 27 th and March 13 th.

11 Making their Choices The options form looks like this. You need to make 3 choices from the subject list Some additional vocational choices will be offered as an alternative for some students during options interviews. These forms are given out during the interview

12 Interviews with Mr Rimmer Options Interviews Form: 9H 9A Form lists are displayed on the wall in the creative studio

13 Interviews with Mr Fiddler Options Interviews Form: 9W 9K Form lists are displayed on the wall in the creative studio

14 Interviews with Mr Klinck Options Interviews Form: 9L 9E Form lists are displayed on the wall in the creative studio

15 Interviews with Mrs Knowles Options Interviews Form: 9Y Form lists are displayed on the wall in the creative studio

16 Subject input Options interviews School Website: - Option booklet - Russell group guide - Careers explorer - This presentation Support

17 Groups are generated and a timetable produced The vast majority of students will study their initial choices It’s likely that a small number (9 in 2013, and 4 in 2014) will have to be interviewed again and choose a different combination What Next?

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