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Ridvoctactapt gest oidultracurocul sensretrodemivolv rect man mirpetrmeta sanctnymtortanimfy legsed.

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Presentation on theme: "Ridvoctactapt gest oidultracurocul sensretrodemivolv rect man mirpetrmeta sanctnymtortanimfy legsed."— Presentation transcript:

1 ridvoctactapt gest oidultracurocul sensretrodemivolv rect man mirpetrmeta sanctnymtortanimfy legsed

2  Sedentary – To sit around without much  exercise  Sediment – minerals or organic materials deposited by water, air or ice Sedative – a drug used to calm and soothe.

3 Legible - able to be read Legend – a story handed down over the generations & accepted as being historical. Alleged – to assert without proof. To declare with positivity.

4  Animated – full of life, action or spirit Animosity – a strong feeling of dislike or ill-will that tends to display itself in action. Animals


6 Homonym – Words pronounced the same, but spelled differently – Example Heir and air Acronym – A word formed by the initial letters or group of letters of words in a set phrase. Anonymous – of unknown name; Without an acknowledged name.

7  Sanctuary – A sacred or holy place  Sanctity – Holiness, saintliness, & godliness Sacrosanct – extremely sacred or inviolable

8 METAMORPHOSIS – a complete change of form and structure Metaphor – comparison not using like or as Metabolism – a physical and chemical change

9  Petrify – to change or convert into stone  Petroleum – a thick, flammable dark-colored liquid Petrochemical – Chemical that comes from petroleum like kerosene and gasoline

10 Miracle – A wonder or marvel Mirage – an optical illusion usually in the desert. W/out substance or reality Admire – to regard with wonder, pleasure and approval.

11  Manicure  Manuscript – to write by hand  Manacles – fancy name for handcuffs 


13  Revolve – to rotate, to spin, to turn A revolver spins when it is shot. Convoluted – to make complex and complicate; elaborate  Revolution – a rotation or a cycle. Each time a tire spins it makes a revolution


15  Retroactive – A throw back – Sports’ teams sometimes wear retro jerseys to honor a previous generation  Retrospect – to look back and reflect on what a person has done; hindsight  What is retrofire?

16  Sense – Feelings, awareness, sensation  Do you know  The 5 senses?  Sensitive – Responsive; receptive  insensate– numb; lacking feeling  If you are getting stitches, you want  that part of your body to be insensate


18  Ocular – Visual  Binoculars – are two lenses that make things appear closer and clearer.


20  Ultraviolet –  Ultraviolet light is used to kill organisms in our drinking water.  Ultraconservative – a person who is extremely conservative  Ultramarine – The Hope  Diamond is ultramarine.


22  Digest - to process; to absorb  Our bodies digest food  Ingest – to swallow; to consume  gesture – to sign, signal, wave  To gesture someone to stop


24  Tactile – perceptible; physical; touchable  Some people are tactile learners / especially the blind  Contact – to communicate; to connect  Tactics – plans; strategy; procedures  Tactful – Considerate; subtle;  sensitive  To handle a sensative situation tactfully


26  Ridicule – mock; to laugh at  If you ridicule a person, you make fun of them and laugh at them. Deride – to disparage; to scoff at Ridiculous – silly; preposterous; absurd

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