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Training Together To Serve Better. Why SundayServe? “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you.

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Presentation on theme: "Training Together To Serve Better. Why SundayServe? “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training Together To Serve Better

2 Why SundayServe? “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” -- John Wesley

3 Why SundayServe? Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ -- Matthew 22:37-40

4 Why SundayServe?  To Serve our Communities  To Show our neighbors who we are as United Methodists  To Renew our U.M. Connection  To Reignite the Spirit to Serve

5  Who makes up Sunday Serve…  Local Church Congregational Teams  Organized and coordinated by Church Leaders  Project Leaders  1 Key Lead from Regional Team + 1 Lead from each participating church  Church Leaders  You all! – Selected by Pastors and organized into Regional Teams  Regional Coordinators  Selected by Regional Teams to liaison with District Leadership Team  District Leadership Team  Amanda and Janet – Support the whole effort

6  Sunday Serve Organization  Churches/Leaders are grouped into 15“Regional Teams” Based on last year – See draft handout – open for change  Regional teams will select one “Regional Coordinator ”

7  What do “Regional Coordinators” do…  Organize the efforts of the Regional Team  Participate in meetings ( only 2 in person this year + conference calls as needed ) with District Leadership  First regional coordinator meetings proposed for May 1st or 6 th, locations TBA

8  “Regional Teams” made up of…  1 or 2 representatives from each church in the region  Representatives are generally the Church Team Leader

9 What do “Regional Teams” do…  Regional Team Will work collegially to:  Coordinate shared vision within the region  Find and Set Service Projects/Sites  Promote SundayServe in Churches  Recruit & lead local church SundayServe Team – (project leaders within own church)  Organize Server Sign-ups  Organize Return & Rejoice

10 What do “Local Church Leaders” do…  Serve on your Regional Team as the representative “voice” from your church  Work collegially with all Local Church Leaders in your region to coordinate efforts of SundayServe  Local Church Leaders assist in all aspects, from finding Service Sites to signing up servers, helping identify project leaders, helping plan the Return & Rejoice, planning SundayServe Project Follow-thru to encourage and support ongoing service

11 “Local Church Leaders”... Assemble a Team  D o not panic! You are not alone!  As your Church’s Team Leader – Assemble a “Local Church Team” - identify members of your congregation to help  This “Local Church Team” will assist in all aspects, from finding Service Sites to signing up servers, serve as project leaders, planning the Return and Rejoice, planning SundayServe Project Follow-thru and help encourage and support ongoing service

12 Regional Team Work… “Church Leaders” Secure Service Projects / Sites 1.Explain SundayServe 2.Offer benefit of MANY servers  Some will want to return! 3.Identify contact person at site – secure contact info 4.How Many can serve at the site?

13 Projects  Helpful if all churches in region have one or more projects located at their church. Nice when these are shared with all churches in region.  Identify project leader from each congregational team for each regional project.

14 “Project Leaders”  There should be one overall project leader/contact person in the region  Each regional church participating in the project should have a church leader/rep to the project who works with the overall project leader

15 Regional Team Work… “Church Leaders” Promote SS with Congregation  Explain Sunday Serve purpose  Service  Who We Are  Ignite Spirit to serve  Connection between United Methodists  Begin Now – Create a Time Line

16 “Church Leaders” Assemble a Church Team  Vision with Pastor  Create Time Line  Promote SS to congregation  Generate Enthusiasm for SS  Secure Shared Projects  Begin fundraising & item collection

17 “Church Team” Promotion with Congregation  EVERYONE can serve  All Ages and Abilities  God’s Presence in our midst  Serving + Return & Rejoice  Back to our real roots!

18 Regional Team Work … “Church Leaders” Coordinate Server Sign-up  or other project management software  Computer-savvy folks can sign up at home  Schedule enough people with laptops to be available to sign people up each Sunday the month before SundayServe  Paper sign-ups where necessary – can be sent to a Church in your region for online input

19 Regional Team Work… “Church Leaders” Return & Rejoice  Select a central location, church/park in the region for servers to meet back up after service and enjoy fellowship  Pick an easily accessible location with plenty of room and facilities  Doesn’t need to be expensive or time- intensive to plan  Keep it Simple: Hotdogs or sloppy joes and chips work great, picnic style

20 Timeline Highlights  By March 31 st each Regional Team should have met at least once and have selected their Regional Coordinator  March 1st – May 31st: Identify service projects and select return and rejoice celebration location (Easter April 20 th )  Regional teams should decide among themselves how often to meet and discuss progress through the Summer

21 Timeline Highlights  Early-August 30th: Prepare for Server Sign ups  August 31 st through September 21st: Sign up Servers & Organize Return & Rejoice  September 28 th : Sunday Serve!

22  The Day of September 28th  Servers will arrive at home church at 9:00am for a 45-minute worship service – Wear Red!  Plan to be sending servers out to their service sites by 10am  Return to Return & Rejoice location at 1pm

23  Important Takeaways  No monthly in person regional coordinator meetings.  Emphasis and responsibility placed on regional groups.

24  Important Takeaways  Year 3 – increased understanding/buy in to SS  More pastors on board – get yours involved early and keep informed of progress  Identify your Church Team early

25  Remember  Invite people in your local church to join the Team now  Key responsibility of Church Leader is to provide opportunity for many players  Build Teamwork - Delegate

26  SundayServe Follow-thru  Community Service doesn’t end with SundayServe  Have Local Church Follow-thru Team in place before September to keep projects alive in the coming year

27  SundayServe Follow-thru  Coordinate effort with existing church outreach group  If none exists encourage Congregational Team to form one  SundayServe as springboard to community outreach

28 Questions????

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