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Phonics Knowledge itself may be serious, but the process of learning can be fun.~ 桃園縣文化國小 劉學蕙老師.

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Presentation on theme: "Phonics Knowledge itself may be serious, but the process of learning can be fun.~ 桃園縣文化國小 劉學蕙老師."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phonics Knowledge itself may be serious, but the process of learning can be fun.~ 桃園縣文化國小 劉學蕙老師

2 Aims of this workshop 1. The importance of phonics 2. Scope and Sequence of phonics 3. Phonics instruction approaches 4. Games and activities for phonics teaching

3 What is phonics ? The phonic approach, starts with the sounds of the alphabet. Children are exposed to simple words first. They sound them out, letter by letter. Then they are gradually introduced to the sounds of the typical letter-patterns of English.

4 Why do we teach phonics?

5 資料來源:高雄市國小英語教學資源中心 Studies In 17,800 common vocabulary , 84% correspond with phonics rules 13% apply some of the rules 3% none correspondence 。

6 Sight Words?? High Frequency Words ?? 少部份不符合自然拼音法則的單字,大多是 靠視覺不斷接觸的視覺文字 (sight words) 。 英文常用字中不少為不依法則拼讀出來的, 故小朋友需熟讀常用英文字 (high frequency words) 。

7 Scope & Sequence of Phonics 1. Single consonants 2. Short vowels 3. Beginning blends 4. End blends 5. Beginning and end digraphs 6. Long vowels with silent e 7. Long vowels in two-vowel combinations 8. Miscellaneous vowel combinations 9. Vowels controlled by r, l, and w

8 Phonics Instruction 1.Direct, systematic instruction 2.Integrated Instruction 3.Embedded Instruction

9 Phonics Activities 1.Alphabet sets 2.Word Cards 3.Posters 4.Word Walls 5.Games 6.Flip books 7.Songs 8.Picture Books 9.On-line games and websites

10 Single Sounds



13 abc



16 AbcAbc phonics Abc


18 CVC Rule

19 Build a Word




23 Listen, read, and pounce pbs kids

24 Spell the word

25 Digraph chant

26 Real or not real?

27 Long Vowels


29 blends



32 歌曲 Hook on Phonics

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