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Middle Ages aka the DARK ages 500-1300s. What was life like? Literally dark? Not quite…. Poverty No learning No communication Fighting, War, Barbarians.

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Presentation on theme: "Middle Ages aka the DARK ages 500-1300s. What was life like? Literally dark? Not quite…. Poverty No learning No communication Fighting, War, Barbarians."— Presentation transcript:

1 Middle Ages aka the DARK ages 500-1300s

2 What was life like? Literally dark? Not quite…. Poverty No learning No communication Fighting, War, Barbarians Disease No advancements in science and math

3 Art from the Middle Ages What do you think it looked like?






9 Middle Age Society Medieval hierarchy- feudalism- KING CHURCH/NOBLES LORDS KNIGHTS PEASANTS- SERFS

10 Peasants and Serfs Vast majority Status was inherited- could not move up Serfs- could not lawfully leave the place where they were born –Bound to the land –So were they slaves? Almost, but they could not be bought or sold. Fashion police??? Peasants could not lawfully wear the clothes of a noble!

11 Peasant Life on the Manor Paid high taxes to Lords Tithe- church tax Warmed cottages by bringing the pigs inside Slept on straw Ate vegetables and grains

12 Dark Ages What did it look like??? –A Knight’s Tale Activity

13 DAY 2

14 Could life really get worse???? YUP! Now let’s read what happens next! Pg. 329-330 with questions Back to Plague ppt.

15 The Bubonic Plague 1300s Originated in Asia Traveling trade routes allowed the plague to travel across Asia into Europe The disease swept through all of Europe and into Africa!

16 Black Death The disease was caused by a bacteria that was carried by fleas which lived on black rats. Most people in those days had fleas and lice from not bathing. Garbage and sewage was thrown into the streets which became breeding grounds for the rats.

17 Black Death Symptoms Painful swellings called buboes many around your armpits and groin. Purplish and blackish spots on skin High fever, chills, delirium, and in most cases DEATH.

18 Plague “This scourge had implanted so great a terror in the hearts of men and women that brothers abandoned brothers, uncles their nephews, sisters their brothers, and in many cases wives deserted their husbands. But even worse, …fathers and mothers refused to nurse and assist their own children.” -Giovanni Boccaccio, Italian writer of the time

19 Effects of the Plague Death tolls: –Western Europe- 20-25 million –Europe lost approximately 1/3 rd of its population Europe was devastated. No one is alive to work and the crops are dead too. There is very little food, no trade, and who should take care of all those bodies!?! Europeans turn away from God…how could he have done this to them? How could he have allowed my family to suffer and die? People left the church. Doctors had no clue. They were telling people to run for their lives. They had no cures and no answers. Politics/government falls apart. Even the leaders like the kings and lords are dead so now what??? Who should lead now? SO…Survivors wanted to live a very different life. The Dark Ages had been very difficult and a new time period arose because people wanted a change called the Renaissance! – (Hollaback 3:22) – (4:15 Spoof)

20 Black Plague Video Questions What was it like?

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