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Prepared by: Sana Lamtara

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1 Prepared by: Sana Lamtara
The relationship between the Father and the son in le passé simple by: Driss Chraibi Prepared by: Sana Lamtara

2 Outline Introduction I- The relationship between the father and the son is based on authority. II- The son’s feelings of guilt towards the father. III- Driss’s attempt to rebel against the father. IV- Reconciliation between the son and father. Conclusion

3 I-The relationship between the father and the son is based on au authority.
Driss encounters the law of his father and his power. Driss’s own experience depends on “le seigneur” and his inferior status before him. “Sa loi est indiscutable, j’en vis.”p:14 Driss constantly wishes and plans the death of his father, but he never achieves his purpose and keeps bringing him to life. The father has some characteristics of God because he is referred to as “le seigneur”. The father does not have to be visible to control his subjects. The father seems to be all seeing and all knowing. Driss has no control over his personal destiny.

4 II- The son’s feelings of guilt towards the father.
Driss knows that his father enabled him to have access to education. His father paid for him to go and stay in France. However, Driss’s prime preoccupation is translated in terms of ingratitude. Driss’s feeling of guilt keeps him in an oppressed position. His tormented mind prevents him from resting and sleeping. “Je ne sais pas si j’ai rêvé ou simplement somnolé.” p:42

5 III- Driss attempt’s to rebel against his father.
Driss’s imagination as a away of disobeying his father. “Je vous échappe, par mon imagination.” p:5 Driss’s refusal to eat although it is permitted by the father. The death of his brother Hamid becomes a necessity for the protagonist to survive. Driss’s revolt against hypocritical Islamic traditions that hold people prisoners from finding self-fulfillment. The most violent rupture is to murder his father. “Ce couteau avait tout coupé: Les feuilles de mes livres,… le lancer vers le seigneur …comme une aiguille.” p:43

6 IV- Reconciliation between Driss and his father.
Humanization of the lord. Transformation of theocracy into paternity. “Te traiter en homme? Bien. Ce soir même, 24e du Ramadan, c’était déjà fait.” p: 265

7 References:

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